-The Mythics RP-

Gecko pointed at a few more barrels, counting them silently. "If she only wants to know how many barrels she has, why would it matter if they ah full?" He sloched down and began carving the new tally marks. "Ah, ouch!" He shook his hand wildly before sticking his carving finger in his mouth. "I da minta-" he took his finger out of his mouth. "Right under the nail too."
Coal winced. “You ok?”
“Because,” Raven explained “even if she has thousands of barrels, they’re not worth anything if they’re all empty” he glanced at Geckos hand. “Which I doubt. Are you ok?”

Raven nodded

(I know the order of those should be switched but I’m on a phone rn and it would be a small hassle)
“Wait,” said Coal. “You’re saying some of these might be empty? Can’t they organize a little better?”
He did not want to count all of them over again.
Raven drew a knife and stooped over a barrel, thunking the side with the handle near the base and then near the top.
“you never know what the last crew did. Besides, this won’t take more than five seconds. I’d be surprised if you found even one but you can never be too sure.”
He began moving down the line.
“Because,” Raven explained “even if she has thousands of barrels, they’re not worth anything if they’re all empty” he glanced at Geckos hand. “Which I doubt. Are you ok?”

Raven nodded

(I know the order of those should be switched but I’m on a phone rn and it would be a small hassle)
Coal winced. “You ok?”
Raven drew a knife and stooped over a barrel, thunking the side with the handle near the base and then near the top.
“you never know what the last crew did. Besides, this won’t take more than five seconds. I’d be surprised if you found even one but you can never be too sure.”
He began moving down the line.
“Wait,” said Coal. “You’re saying some of these might be empty? Can’t they organize a little better?”
He did not want to count all of them over again.
"Uh, yeah," Gecko eyed the tip of his finger, then started shaking his hand wildly again. "I, eh," he winced a little, "will get it out." He chewed on his finger and walked over to barrel that was away from the others. Sitting down, he picked at the splinter with his claws until he pulled it out.
Not quite 🤣 I did end up having internet but only for stints of time, we've started the journey back. Officially get back early Friday morning (my time friday, so Thursday...?)

I'm not gonna get away with chickening out am i? 🥲

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