-The Mythics RP-

Ah, Cap, idk how to bring the Straylan's into this šŸ˜­
According to the form, they should start at the Centar compound and will probably be on the ship taking Arrie to Undermine, but I don't know what to do for Alex's intro scene
Ember stepped forward from her position near the cabin door, scratching subconsciously at the corner of the small book with one claw.
"So you are all agreed then. We can get on to positions and assignments."
The Harpy rested a finger on the contract, pulling it closer to her as she stepped up to the Captain's desk, curling a lip slightly. The Siren and the man both had handwriting that she wouldn't describe as far off from a toddler's. The human's seemed particularly worse. At least the young woman's was easily readable- Lyra, supposedly.
Ember straightened again, flipping the log book to the first blank page and scratching the first several names into the parchment, rather viciously.

Nautulis stepped back as the Harpy woman approached the desk, again forcing a smile to contain her irritation. She clasped her hands gently, pressing her index fingers against her lower lip.
"Fair enough. Where would you have us assigned, Captain? What needs done?"

Vhanya took up the signed contract and tucked it into her desk, closing the drawer with a soft click. A clawed hand raised to gesture towards the four, ā€œplenty needs done. Ember, when Iā€™m finished here, give them a tour of my ship. They can even choose cabins of their own, if they wish.ā€œ

The desk chair scraped against wooden boards as she stood and started towards the door, her tail leisurely flicking behind her. Gently lifting her hat off its hook, she straightened the black lace ruffles around the band and placed it upon her head.
ā€œUnfortunately I have no special duty for you to attend to, Ms. Nautalisā€”do pardon me if I have your name wrong, your penmanship skills wereā€¦ questionable. Once you find your, er, sea legs,ā€ she chuckled at the irony, ā€œIā€™ll see to finding you a higher position on the ship.ā€

Her yellow gaze turned to the man, Jintao, ā€œnow, itā€™d be temporary, considering the duration of your stay, but how would you fancy spending your time here as first mate,ā€œ She said, her voice of a dry cadence, ā€œyouā€™ve settled nicely into intolerance of my crewā€™s current state, you might as well have a hand in their reformation, eh?ā€

ā€œNow you, Lyra. I know a fellow, a good one too- for a pirate, at least- that has quite the talent as a surgeon. Heā€™d be more than willing to school you in surgeonry. A pirate doctor is an invaluable role, Iā€™m certain youā€™d always find work andā€¦ safe harboring, if you wish it.ā€œ

Stepping past the bulk of Emberā€™s wings, she opened the door, ā€œspeaking of the surgeon in question, Iā€™m off to town. My connections are numerous, I must say; there are a few good sailors Iā€™d like to forgather aboard the Quicksilver again.ā€œ

With a clicking of her boots against the deck, she was out the cabin and down the gangplank towards the crowed streets of Pirateā€˜s Cove, her head high and hat ribbons swaying gently, looking very much a pirate captain.

@_-Captain BRM-_
@Lacy Duckwing
ā€œNow you, Lyra. I know a fellow, a good one too- for a pirate, at least- that has quite the talent as a surgeon. Heā€™d be more than willing to school you in surgeonry. A pirate doctor is an invaluable role, Iā€™m certain youā€™d always find work andā€¦ safe harboring, if you wish it.ā€œ
Vhanya took up the signed contract and tucked it into her desk, closing the drawer with a soft click. A clawed hand raised to gesture towards the four, ā€œplenty needs done. Ember, when Iā€™m finished here, give them a tour of my ship. They can even choose cabins of their own, if they wish.ā€œ

The desk chair scraped against wooden boards as she stood and started towards the door, her tail leisurely flicking behind her. Gently lifting her hat off its hook, she straightened the black lace ruffles around the band and placed it upon her head.
ā€œUnfortunately I have no special duty for you to attend to, Ms. Nautalisā€”do pardon me if I have your name wrong, your penmanship skills wereā€¦ questionable. Once you find your, er, sea legs,ā€ she chuckled at the irony, ā€œIā€™ll see to finding you a higher position on the ship.ā€

Her yellow gaze turned to the man, Jintao, ā€œnow, itā€™d be temporary, considering the duration of your stay, but how would you fancy spending your time here as first mate,ā€œ She said, her voice of a dry cadence, ā€œyouā€™ve settled nicely into intolerance of my crewā€™s current state, you might as well have a hand in their reformation, eh?ā€

ā€œNow you, Lyra. I know a fellow, a good one too- for a pirate, at least- that has quite the talent as a surgeon. Heā€™d be more than willing to school you in surgeonry. A pirate doctor is an invaluable role, Iā€™m certain youā€™d always find work andā€¦ safe harboring, if you wish it.ā€œ

Stepping past the bulk of Emberā€™s wings, she opened the door, ā€œspeaking of the surgeon in question, Iā€™m off to town. My connections are numerous, I must say; there are a few good sailors Iā€™d like to forgather aboard the Quicksilver again.ā€œ

With a clicking of her boots against the deck, she was out the cabin and down the gangplank towards the crowed streets of Pirateā€˜s Cove, her head high and hat ribbons swaying gently, looking very much a pirate captain.

@_-Captain BRM-_
@Lacy Duckwing
For a moment the small, recently-employed-party stood in tight, excited silence, all eyes on the noble Captain as she strode from her extravagant deck. The morning sun had risen to a dangerous height, and Tay dreaded the trials of yet another day of anonymity. But there were more grateful matters to attend to as well, such as the abrupt renewal of her hearing. The insufferable deafness had lessened to a wonderous extent, filling her with questions, but also hesitation, for times like this had come and gone. Often hearing left as soon as it returned.
The soft silence broke by a distant voice calling in the harbor.
Tay released a breath. "Well, there we go." She murmered, turning her cool gaze on Jintao. "First mate." She clicked her toungue and turned away, running a hand across her dry scalp. "I don't know what she sees in you, mate."
Vhanya took up the signed contract and tucked it into her desk, closing the drawer with a soft click. A clawed hand raised to gesture towards the four, ā€œplenty needs done. Ember, when Iā€™m finished here, give them a tour of my ship. They can even choose cabins of their own, if they wish.ā€œ

The desk chair scraped against wooden boards as she stood and started towards the door, her tail leisurely flicking behind her. Gently lifting her hat off its hook, she straightened the black lace ruffles around the band and placed it upon her head.
ā€œUnfortunately I have no special duty for you to attend to, Ms. Nautalisā€”do pardon me if I have your name wrong, your penmanship skills wereā€¦ questionable. Once you find your, er, sea legs,ā€ she chuckled at the irony, ā€œIā€™ll see to finding you a higher position on the ship.ā€

Her yellow gaze turned to the man, Jintao, ā€œnow, itā€™d be temporary, considering the duration of your stay, but how would you fancy spending your time here as first mate,ā€œ She said, her voice of a dry cadence, ā€œyouā€™ve settled nicely into intolerance of my crewā€™s current state, you might as well have a hand in their reformation, eh?ā€

ā€œNow you, Lyra. I know a fellow, a good one too- for a pirate, at least- that has quite the talent as a surgeon. Heā€™d be more than willing to school you in surgeonry. A pirate doctor is an invaluable role, Iā€™m certain youā€™d always find work andā€¦ safe harboring, if you wish it.ā€œ

Stepping past the bulk of Emberā€™s wings, she opened the door, ā€œspeaking of the surgeon in question, Iā€™m off to town. My connections are numerous, I must say; there are a few good sailors Iā€™d like to forgather aboard the Quicksilver again.ā€œ

With a clicking of her boots against the deck, she was out the cabin and down the gangplank towards the crowed streets of Pirateā€˜s Cove, her head high and hat ribbons swaying gently, looking very much a pirate captain.

@_-Captain BRM-_
@Lacy Duckwing

Nautulis readjusted her scarf and damp clothing in the relieving silence, the odd collection of the four allowing themselves simply their own thoughts over the captain's words.
She eyed the Harpy woman expectantly, taking an uncertain step away as she realized the rage practically radiating from her feathers.

First mate?
Ember glared mutinously at Vhanya's back as she strode from the cabin, black wings shuddering.
She turned her head sharply, fixing Jintao with a disgusted look. Her claws dug into the leather-bound book, threatening to smolder the ancient pages as heat pulsed through her arms and wingtips.
Perfect. Of all the-... just perfect.
"Keep up," was all she managed to say, good sense barely getting the better of her. The human wasn't worth her frustration- though the Captain might be. Regardless, if she wanted to keep the higher ground, she'd have to learn, for once, not to simply incinerate the problem where he stood.
The early dawn light washed energetically over the flaming red feathers lining her midnight wings, and she flared them sharply once, trying to shake the clinging anger off as she strode out onto the Quicksilver's shimmering decks.

Nautilus turned calmly to Jintao.
"If I'm not mistaken, you may have already made an enemy here. I'm not sure if I should be impressed or worried."

@_-Captain BRM-_
@Lacy Duckwing
(I'm sorry, I feel out of practice already. This is definitely šŸ˜­not my best)
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Nautulis readjusted her scarf and damp clothing in the relieving silence, the odd collection of the four allowing themselves simply their own thoughts over the captain's words.
She eyed the Harpy woman expectantly, taking an uncertain step away as she realized the rage practically radiating from her feathers.

First mate?
Ember glared mutinously at Vhanya's back as she strode from the cabin, black wings shuddering.
She turned her head sharply, fixing Jintao with a disgusted look. Her claws dug into the leather-bound book, threatening to smolder the ancient pages as heat pulsed through her arms and wingtips.
Perfect. Of all the-... just perfect.
"Keep up," was all she managed to say, good sensing barely getting the better of her. The human wasn't worth her frustration- though the Captain might be. Regardless, if she wanted to keep the higher ground, she'd have to learn, for once, not to simply incinerate the problem where he stood.
The early dawn light washed energetically over the flaming red feathers lining her midnight wings, and she flared them sharply once, trying to shake the clinging anger off as she strode out onto the Quicksilver's shimmering decks.

Nautulis turned calmly to Jintao.
"If I'm not mistaken, you may have already made an enemy here. I'm not sure if I should be impressed or worried."
Love this.
@_-Captain BRM-_
@Lacy Duckwing
(I'm sorry, I feel out of practice already. This is definitely šŸ˜­not my best)
Lol, this is great.
But I feel what you mean- I actually REALLY get in the element after reading something with really good prose. Then I just- yk, take it on in my own version. šŸ‘Œ
"Uh, yeah," Gecko eyed the tip of his finger, then started shaking his hand wildly again. "I, eh," he winced a little, "will get it out." He chewed on his finger and walked over to barrel that was away from the others. Sitting down, he picked at the splinter with his claws until he pulled it out.
(Quick, make it look like they're doing something important before Ember shows up)

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