-The Mythics RP-

It took everything Ember had not to set his arm on fire then and there. And she would have, if not for the barrels upon barrels of explosive powder surrounding them. If the brainless Harpy were on fire, he would almost definitely panic and flounder into the stash of gunpowder.
She drew the flintlock instead, flashing the pistol between his eyes, leveled inches from his face. Almost enjoying the threatening click of the hammer.
"You've got four seconds to let go of me," she said coldly, her voice drained of emotions and tone, glowing eyes locked with his.

Nautulis sucked air between her teeth, taking a cautious step back as she glanced at Jintao and Tay, watching for their reactions.

@Lacy Duckwing
@_-Captain BRM-_
(How did this escalate already 😭 )
( :yesss: After I posted Gecko's part, I almost went back and wrote something about Jintao stepping forward with his dagger to get Gecko to back off. Then I thought, well, it'd probably be better for Jintao to see how Ember responds, and if she doesn't act in a defensive way, then I'll figure out something for him to further disapprove of her or come to her aid and embarrass her. )
Raven stood rigged at the sight of the gun. Just one spark, one.
Tay's lips hung loose, and she blinked a few times, not daring to move. "Oh my gosh. They're crazy," she breathed. "They're- actually.. well." She paused, exhaling through her soft words, "we're all just.. crazy."
”Are you trying to kill us all, Ember?”
Vhanya strode into the room, her tail flicking menacingly behind her. What the Harpy thought she was doing, Vhanya couldn’t begin to guess at. She would have demoted her right then and there, but to do so would also be admitting her own miscalculation of the Harpy’s brashness— and she would rather be marooned than admit that.

After her deal with Bailey at the tavern, she couldn’t help but feel pleased; she would have a full crew under her watch by sundown, and she was looking forward to having old Cyrus aboard the Quicksilver once again.
Her Quartermistress flinging about a pistol in a room full of gunpowder was not expected.

At least the three she’d sent down to the magazine in the first place hadn’t blown up her ship, that was promising on their behalf.
In truth, her inventory she knew. All of the barrels in the powder magazine were neatly listed in her logbook. She had bought the necessary gunpowder to replenish her stocks after she left the tavern, the men bringing them were to arrive later in the day.

The trio, especially the Phoenix, had managed to not implode the ship, and that was testimony enough for them possessing a scrap of moxie; Vhanya could work with scraps.

Speaking of which…
“Be a lamb and lower the flintlock, Ember.“

@_-Captain BRM-_
@Lacy Duckwing
Nautulis let out a faint whistle, stepping a few extra paces back as the Captain entered the chamber, allowing a gaze to wander as if the scene were of little interest.
How unfortunate.

Ember was starkly aware of the smoke rising from her arms and clenched fists, the struggle to stifle the fountains of rage within her was all that was keeping the smoldering from catching alight.
It felt unfair. She hadn't wanted to start a fight. Fights were rarely ever worth her time. But the bedraggled Harpy had crossed a line- ignoring her was one thing. Defying her, and then worse, touching her, was an entire other. She wouldn't shoot anyone she didn't have to, especially not in the ship's chamber powder, and she was counting on the half-wit to overlook the bluff completely.
Ironic that the captain would instead, and then underestimate her to the extent of thinking she'd actually let the hammer fall.
For a silent moment after Vhanya's words, she did not move. No one did. The handful of seconds stretched tense, and Ember felt the burning of all their eyes.
The pistol lowered, slid back into its holster. The Harpy yanked her wrist and twisted, shoving the other Mythic's hand away, claws sliding unbashful across his exposed arm as she did.
Ember knew she had miscalculated. But perhaps she could roll the other's doubt in her to her own advantage.
Gecko's blood went cold at the sight of the pistol. He fell silent, frozen in the fear of his possible death. He continued to hold onto the Quartermistress' wrist as though it was impossible to think otherwise. The sounds around him faded behind the sound of his pumping heartbeats. He forgot to breathe and waited for his body to hit the floor- dead.
Like the wake from a nightmare, the female broke her wrist free from his grip with a painful scratch and pushed him to the side. He regained his senses with the sudden realization that today was not his last day. Still silent, he slid to the shadows and kept his eyes on his supposed killer.

Jintao barely shifted with the sudden draw of the pistol. Such reactions he was used to and had done so himself. He raised an eyebrow, almost pleased with the Quartermistress, had not it been in the powder room. A blade would have been a better choice, he kept his opinion to himself. The Captain arrived and he stepped aside, letting her through. He gave her the first genuine look of approval since he had been on the ship.
"Quite the timing, Captain," he said. "Any later, you might have lost your ship." He turned to Ember. "That is not what I would have expected, of course," his compliment came with a slight smile. For him being her threat, letting her know that he had trusted her enough not to pull the trigger would hopefully benefit the both of them in some way.

@_-Captain BRM-_
( :yesss: After I posted Gecko's part, I almost went back and wrote something about Jintao stepping forward with his dagger to get Gecko to back off. Then I thought, well, it'd probably be better for Jintao to see how Ember responds, and if she doesn't act in a defensive way, then I'll figure out something for him to further disapprove of her or come to her aid and embarrass her. )

Gecko's blood went cold at the sight of the pistol. He fell silent, frozen in the fear of his possible death. He continued to hold onto the Quartermistress' wrist as though it was impossible to think otherwise. The sounds around him faded behind the sound of his pumping heartbeats. He forgot to breathe and waited for his body to hit the floor- dead.
Like the wake from a nightmare, the female broke her wrist free from his grip with a painful scratch and pushed him to the side. He regained his senses with the sudden realization that today was not his last day. Still silent, he slid to the shadows and kept his eyes on his supposed killer.

Jintao barely shifted with the sudden draw of the pistol. Such reactions he was used to and had done so himself. He raised an eyebrow, almost pleased with the Quartermistress, had not it been in the powder room. A blade would have been a better choice, he kept his opinion to himself. The Captain arrived and he stepped aside, letting her through. He gave her the first genuine look of approval since he had been on the ship.
"Quite the timing, Captain," he said. "Any later, you might have lost your ship." He turned to Ember. "That is not what I would have expected, of course," his compliment came with a slight smile. For him being her threat, letting her know that he had trusted her enough not to pull the trigger would hopefully benefit the both of them in some way.

@_-Captain BRM-_
An eerie silence had enfolded Ember- she remained quiet, watching the rest of the crew with a razor stare.
She wasn't sure if Jintao was insulting, or complimenting her. His tone suggested the latter, but it could be shrouded sarcasm. Underhanded jeering, perhaps.
The Harpy fixed him with an expressionless look, searching his face for some sort of emotion or message, trying to understand his thoughts.
Would she have concluded he was genuine, had the circumstances been different? Was she concluding that? Or was she at some form of an impasse? Stuck between knowing truthfully that he meant it, and between the fact that the first thing he had done upon their meeting was begin to insult her.
And perhaps, a bit of her own flaw interfering.
Ember shook herself mentally from the thoughts, avoiding the guilt once again as she turned her gaze back to the captain, the usual stone-cold shield returning. She waited for Vhanya's reply.

Nautilus couldn't help but stare at Jintao for a moment, surprise showing briefly and genuinely on her face for the first time since meeting the human.
Was he actually defending the Quarermisstress?

@Lacy Duckwing
@_-Captain BRM-_
It took everything Ember had not to set his arm on fire then and there. And she would have, if not for the barrels upon barrels of explosive powder surrounding them. If the brainless Harpy were on fire, he would almost definitely panic and flounder into the stash of gunpowder.
She drew the flintlock instead, flashing the pistol between his eyes, leveled inches from his face. Almost enjoying the threatening click of the hammer.
"You've got four seconds to let go of me," she said coldly, her voice drained of emotions and tone, glowing eyes locked with his.

Nautulis sucked air between her teeth, taking a cautious step back as she glanced at Jintao and Tay, watching for their reactions.

@Lacy Duckwing
@_-Captain BRM-_
(How did this escalate already 😭 )
Coal was paralyzed with terror. He wanted to scream “If you shoot, we’ll all die!” But he was afraid that crying out would startle her into pulling the trigger. He relaxed when Vanya de-escalated the situation. He hoped she would demote Ember. She already acted like she owned the place, and giving her power would only make it worse. Coal was beginning to regret joining the crew. His trigger-happy sister was going to make every molehill into a mountain.
”Are you trying to kill us all, Ember?”
Vhanya strode into the room, her tail flicking menacingly behind her. What the Harpy thought she was doing, Vhanya couldn’t begin to guess at. She would have demoted her right then and there, but to do so would also be admitting her own miscalculation of the Harpy’s brashness— and she would rather be marooned than admit that.

After her deal with Bailey at the tavern, she couldn’t help but feel pleased; she would have a full crew under her watch by sundown, and she was looking forward to having old Cyrus aboard the Quicksilver once again.
Her Quartermistress flinging about a pistol in a room full of gunpowder was not expected.

At least the three she’d sent down to the magazine in the first place hadn’t blown up her ship, that was promising on their behalf.
In truth, her inventory she knew. All of the barrels in the powder magazine were neatly listed in her logbook. She had bought the necessary gunpowder to replenish her stocks after she left the tavern, the men bringing them were to arrive later in the day.

The trio, especially the Phoenix, had managed to not implode the ship, and that was testimony enough for them possessing a scrap of moxie; Vhanya could work with scraps.

Speaking of which…
“Be a lamb and lower the flintlock, Ember.“

@_-Captain BRM-_
@Lacy Duckwing
(So it was all a test?
Vanya really thought
If they blow up the ship I guess they aren’t competent but if they don’t I guess they are?)
(So it was all a test?
Vanya really thought
If they blow up the ship I guess they aren’t competent but if they don’t I guess they are?)
(seems like a risky gamble tbh)

(Vhanya thought “go big or go home, let’s see if they can not blow up the ship!
She also trusts way too much in her own judgement. In her mind, anyone that she has cleared is then in some way immediately up to her standards since she was the one that made the call in the first place. Through her eyes, if they’ve been recruited by her then she “obviously” made a good choice and they therefore will not blow up the ship.
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An eerie silence had enfolded Ember- she remained quiet, watching the rest of the crew with a razor stare.
She wasn't sure if Jintao was insulting, or complimenting her. His tone suggested the latter, but it could be shrouded sarcasm. Underhanded jeering, perhaps.
The Harpy fixed him with an expressionless look, searching his face for some sort of emotion or message, trying to understand his thoughts.
Would she have concluded he was genuine, had the circumstances been different? Was she concluding that? Or was she at some form of an impasse? Stuck between knowing truthfully that he meant it, and between the fact that the first thing he had done upon their meeting was begin to insult her.
And perhaps, a bit of her own flaw interfering.
Ember shook herself mentally from the thoughts, avoiding the guilt once again as she turned her gaze back to the captain, the usual stone-cold shield returning. She waited for Vhanya's reply.

Nautilus couldn't help but stare at Jintao for a moment, surprise showing briefly and genuinely on her face for the first time since meeting the human.
Was he actually defending the Quarermisstress?

@Lacy Duckwing
@_-Captain BRM-_
(@RDchicken99, since no one is directly talking to my characters here, I'll respond after you type out Vhanya's response.)
(Vhanya thought “go big or go home, let’s see if they can not blow up the ship!
She also trusts way too much in her own judgement. In her mind, anyone that she has cleared is then in some way immediately up to her standards since she was the one that made the call in the first place. Through her eyes, if they’ve been recruited by her then she “obviously” made a good choice and they therefore will not blow up the ship.
(In Coal’s case it was a good call, he will do anything to serve Her Scariness and he will be a very loyal employee, just a dumb one who knows nothing about sailing)
The Captain arrived and he stepped aside, letting her through. He gave her the first genuine look of approval since he had been on the ship.
"Quite the timing, Captain," he said. "Any later, you might have lost your ship." He turned to Ember. "That is not what I would have expected, of course," his compliment came with a slight smile. For him being her threat, letting her know that he had trusted her enough not to pull the trigger would hopefully benefit the both of them in some way.
An eerie silence had enfolded Ember- she remained quiet, watching the rest of the crew with a razor stare.
She wasn't sure if Jintao was insulting, or complimenting her. His tone suggested the latter, but it could be shrouded sarcasm. Underhanded jeering, perhaps.
The Harpy fixed him with an expressionless look, searching his face for some sort of emotion or message, trying to understand his thoughts.
Would she have concluded he was genuine, had the circumstances been different? Was she concluding that? Or was she at some form of an impasse? Stuck between knowing truthfully that he meant it, and between the fact that the first thing he had done upon their meeting was begin to insult her.
And perhaps, a bit of her own flaw interfering.
Ember shook herself mentally from the thoughts, avoiding the guilt once again as she turned her gaze back to the captain, the usual stone-cold shield returning. She waited for Vhanya's reply.

Nautilus couldn't help but stare at Jintao for a moment, surprise showing briefly and genuinely on her face for the first time since meeting the human.
Was he actually defending the Quarermisstress?

Before she knew it, she was laughing. She took off her hat and held it to her chest, peals of laughter filling the small room. Catching her breath took some effort, still clinging to her hat, she wiped at her eyes and managed between chuckles, “you lot are horrible. Truly.”
”Jintao, my friend, I’d say you have a deathwish- and I must agree with you, my timing was certainly impeccable.“

She sighed, quiet laughter still under her breath, “Ember, whether you were planning on following through with your threat or not, pulling a flintlock in a room full of gunpowder is not something one should toy about with.”

Her tone shifted slightly, good humor now disguising an edge, “there will not be any unnecessary blood spilled on this ship. Am I clear? And that goes for all of you,“ to add to her point, she fixed every soul in the room with a stare, “you’d best not find yourself in a situation where I have to remind you, aye?”

Returning her hat to her head, she stated, “I’ve got us a crew of nearly eighty-seven men arriving come sundown. I’ll be expecting spotless behavior from every soul here.“

@Lacy Duckwing
@_-Captain BRM-_

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