The Name Game, Care To Help??


In the Brooder
11 Years
Sep 24, 2008
Hello everyone,

I am very new to this site and I am so happy I found it. I was thinking today, "thank god for the internet!!! a world of info at your finger tips!!

My family an I have decided to start growing a lot of our own food...between skyrocketing prices and the e coli scares we have had.

we started out small this year with the garden but we have expanded and readied an area 3 x the size we for next year.

A friend just got a couple of chickens from a neighbor and well obviously you can see where this has taken me

We are in the process of converting our 8x8 shed into our new coop and hopefully will have the run up and framed and wired by next weekend

During my intense quest for information on this site I came across a post regarding naming a coop. I believe the woman named it "Cluckinham Palace" How cute was that!!

I am unfortunately not that creative so I was hoping I could get a little help.

My family is having a wonderful time pulling this all together, my three boys ages 12, 15, and 17 are so excited about our new decision to have really has been nice to have everyone involved in a project together........having teenagers, it's hard to just get them all home at the same time never mind having them interested and helping with the same project!!

This should be great!! Come on I'm sure you can come up with some good plays on words I'll be waiting

Thank You!!

I knew I would get some really good ideas

They are both great!!

Please keep em coming........I really do like "The Chick Inn"

I am sure this "topic" has been visited before but I did a search and came up with nothing soooooooooooo

Please, Please put those thinking caps on and help me and my kids with a name

thanks everyone!!


that is really cute to! I never took spanish but wouldnt
Polo Locos Inn be Chicken Crazy Inn?

thanks I like it.....Any more??


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