the new coops, pic heavy, let me know what you think

yes I can, it rained all last weekend but it is going to be nice this weekend so I will get some new ones up
Great! Thanks! I was just at home depot today and they had a whole lumber cart full of scrap wood. Most of which was used as store shelving and in perfect condition and not even cut. I got a whole truck load of wood for only 20 dollars! My husband said, what are you going to do with all that wood? I said, MORE chicken coops baby...
lucky you. our depot/lowes don't ever have anything like that. and even the badly warped stuff they only mark 10% off.

this is my water tank, it is 55 gallons and is in an insulated box that is heated with two 100 wat light bulbs controlled by a thermo cube
and this is how it is filled, rain collects on the roof of the coop and runs into the tank through the pvc pipes, if we have a drought, I can fill it with a hose through the port coming out the side, however we had a very dry summer and I havent had to fill it yet, I am still winterizing the tank if you couldnt tell by the tools and suplies on top.

and this is how the heat taped insulated lines run through the coops, the birds drink from the nipples in the line
the pvc hopper feeder

nest box, like the feed is right next to the door of the coop

inside of the coop, roost is higher than the nest box, stops them from roosting in the nest boxes and keeps them clean

side view, vent cover makes a good place to hang tools

front view....
I really love these coops, I still have a couple of things I want to do like trim on the back and window vents in the doors, but I cant complain about anything, I have used the water system before, I just refit it so I dont think I will have any problems with it this winter.
hope you enjoy the pics, sorry it took so long to get them up, but work has had me hopping since spring.
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thank you, I am setting up the lighting system today, it looks like its gonna work great and the best part it is all automatic imagine that lol

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