The NEW Crazy 24hr AUCTION thread

I have up for auction 6+ BCM eggs. I don't show my birds because I currently don't have enough time to but I was at a PNPA show recently and of the birds that were on display mine would have definitely taken them to the cleaners.
Not being rude! Anyway I may have more like 8+ but I have to collect eggs from yesterday and today. My egg color ranges from a 5-7/8 depending on the day and the hen. I ship all eggs individually wrapped upright and box in box if it's a large quantity. I've been having really great feedback about shipped hatching rates. This auction will start at $5 and shipping will be $15 It will end at 8:40 PST on May 1st. Thanks for looking and happy hatching!

young cockerel

everyone getting treats

I also have up for auction 12+ Project Buff Faverolle eggs. They're in project stage so they can at times throw different colors and birds with only four toes. I currently have two pullets that look like they're buff laced favs and they're GORGEOUS. Though they're not what I'm going for they're in my layer flock because they're just beautiful. If you're interested in breeding the Buffs you'd keep the chicks with the most red/buff down and five toes. If you just want some gorgeous fun and healthy chicks/birds then these are TOTALLY for you. I've been having seriously excellent shipped hatch rates on these eggs. Most people are having 70-95% hatches. I think I've had 1-2 100% as well. They're fun and have wonderful personalities. So the auction starts at $5+$15 and will end tomorrow May1st at 8:50 PST! Thanks for looking and happy hatching!

buff babies

2nd and 3rd gen hens

curious buff chick

not illustrating well that it has 5 toes

young cockerels still very white though their color has changed immensely

I have up for auction 6+ BCM eggs. I don't show my birds because I currently don't have enough time to but I was at a PNPA show recently and of the birds that were on display mine would have definitely taken them to the cleaners.
Not being rude! Anyway I may have more like 8+ but I have to collect eggs from yesterday and today. My egg color ranges from a 5-7/8 depending on the day and the hen. I ship all eggs individually wrapped upright and box in box if it's a large quantity. I've been having really great feedback about shipped hatching rates. This auction will start at $5 and shipping will be $15 It will end at 8:40 PST on May 1st. Thanks for looking and happy hatching!

young cockerel

everyone getting treats

What's your ratio of feather footed to bare?
Well I'm sorry that my money is not good enough because I choose not to participate in your forums.    I recind my offer and will continue to buy my eggs privately from the breeders and not participate in these auctions. 

Those rules are in effect to protect not just the seller but the buyer as well.
For example:
Sally is new to the forums and she see's some purple spotted elephant ear Ameruacana. She has been searching for these for years. She bids and wins an Auction for 6+ eggs from Buster's auction he had listed. She thinks to herself "WOW! What a deal! I got these for 5.00!!"

Now, what Sally does not know is, Buster is a fraud. Buster claims eggs and ships them back out to people. Regular posters to the forums know this about Buster, and know him to be a fraud.

Example 2:
Sally is new to the forums and she see's some purple spotted elephant ear Ameruacana! She bids on an auction of them, and outbids everyone, to win them for 150.00. 
Buster is excited his auction of eggs sold so fast and for so much. He can hardly contain his excitement as he PM's the winning bidder. Sadly, Sally is a fraud. She purposely out bid everyone to get back at Buster b/c he made a comment she did not like 5 years ago and she has been stewing ever since. Sally is actually Cruel Cady! Now Buster has to relist his eggs, or maybe he has to toss them b/c they are too old now to ship out.

These forums can be a great place to get eggs from. If you play by the rules. The rules are always set forth to protect both parties.

Thank you for that awesome response!!!
5 more hours on these. No bidders.
Updated : 18 eggs collected.
Last bid considered 4/30 @ 8 PM EST

12 + Backyard Grab Bag-- bid starts $8

Shipping/Tracking is $16

You might get :
Heritage German New Hampshires
Olive Eggers
Easter Eggers
Indian Runners ( Heritage Barred Rock x Heritage German New Hampshire)
Blue/Black/Splash Copper Marans
Wheaten/Blue Wheaten Ameraucana

I cannot guarantee your hatch due to shipping and incubation, but I pack very carefully like how I would like to receive them, wrapping each egg individually and double boxing.

Thanks for looking. :)

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