They surely are. Many years ago, I had a pair of BR mixes named Iris and Hazel. Their sire was a hatchery EE, if I recall, but you couldn't tell from their looks. They went to live with an acquaintance of mine from early BYC who treasured them the rest of their pretty long lives. Neither were blue, but Iris is a blue name, IMO, and I always named my blue chickens blue names, so I may call the blue one Iris if it is, indeed, a pullet, and I feel fairly confident that she is a she. The splash one, we'll have to wait another week or so and see. As Lisa says, it's fully feathered and no pink comb yet at a month old. If it's a cockerel, I'll have to decide if I have a place for him here and if so, give him a Viking name, or at least, a tough guy name. I think munchins need big names.
Looking for a picture of Iris and they are. I think Iris has the darker chest, but it's been so many years, I may be wrong. They were such round, cute little hens, very broody.
Sing with me! ....What a difference a DAY-Ay makes!
Let me present Iris and the little Viking boy. Yeah, overnight the pink at the base of the comb just ramped right on up. I'm suing Lisa! :lol::p Just kidding! I wish it was true, but methinks me sees a cute little boy there. Do you see it? The last picture doesn't show much-they don't like the camera and that's Cricket's influence. Do the clicky thing and make it bigger and close up and you'll see what I mean by the pink in his comb starting and you can even make out the tiny pink wattles.
I'm beginning to get suspicious of that little splash fellow. :lol:
I thought you might. :gigHe's adorable. Gosh, where on earth do I put this little tyke when he gets to breeding age? I hate to rehome him when something could happen to one or more of my boys and I may need him. Guess we have some time to figure it out.
Cricket has rejected the chicks who will be 7 weeks old tomorrow. I let Magnus out with them and he was good with them, just a test run. They need to be bigger before they can go out with the actual flock. I do have a place for Mace, the splash cockerel. Seems my BR rooster, Hector, is on his way out of this world soon, unfortunately, but his four hens may get a handsome little bantam Cochin cockerel of their very own to watch out for them.
I'm on the wrong computer or I'd post the pics I took yesterday. Cricket is also laying again and is back with her peeps. Mace was not at all happy. He cried and cried, definite mama's boy.
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