I must take a moment to thank my 5 yr old Brahma flock today. I've had issues with splash bantam Cochin girl, Luna, and an occasional EE girl flying to the top of the stud wall of their pen at roost time. We put things across to block that, but one last time, she and my black EE girl, Layla, managed to circumvent our efforts. When I opened the barn yesterday, what do I see in my Brahma pen? Both those girls sitting on the edge of the first nest box quietly while giant Brahmas milled around casually below them, seeming not at all startled by this intrusion. I want to thank my Brahmas for not killing two stupid teenage pullets.
Luckily many adult chickens that have raised or seen chicks will leave them be. It's like an intelligence test for chickens. I used to have that wonderful rooster that would look after new chicks added to the flock. It's pretty impressive your bantam Cochin can get up high enough to get over.
I'm impressed, too! I suspected the EE girls might try it, but Luna? She has done it several times already. That's 6 feet up! Now, we have a piece of plywood and some of that plastic garden fencing over the top so maybe they can't get up there. They are 17 weeks old now so I was afraid that Bash would take off after Layla, being larger than Luna, though nowhere near his size. But, they were leaving them alone. No blood drawn!
Today's drama was a fluttering of wings and cackling as I was approaching the pen to put the teens back inside. As I went through and closed the gate, I saw the cause. Bodie was smack dab in the middle of the hammock, swinging. Not sure if he intended to be there or not, but he did seem perplexed by that holey surface and was making very unsettled noises so I rescued his cute little behind.

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