The NFC B-Day Chat Thread

Hello :frow. How's life my friend :)
Hi Marie! Life is teaching me new lessons. I was in a small accident yesterday on my way to pick up the kids from school. It wasnt my fault and thankfully everyone was okay. Driver behind me admitted fault, his foot was asleep. Crazy how minor accidents can still jolt you. I hope insurance gets figured out because I cannot afford the repairs. I've already been considering some life changes but this situation definitely adds on the pressure.
Funny, not even 10 miles before the accident, a huge rock hit my windshield leaving a good crack in it :lol: scared the crap out if me! 🧻
Last night my husband was telling me our youngest sons reaction and he was upset because yesterday morning he was extra clingy dropping him off at school saying "I dont want anything bad to happen to you", which I completely forgot about until DH telling me. That freaked me out more than anything.
So that's what's new with me :lol:
How was your day Marie?

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