The NFC B-Day Chat Thread

Behavior problems seem to run rampant nowadays.
My grands were here the weekend. I did a lot of cringing. Moms let them all run around with blueberries in hand. I believe in keeping food, especially messy food, at the table. They ate continuously, while we were preparing meals. No "wait, it's almost time for lunch" instead it was "Do you want some cereal while you wait? Do you want a snack? Here's a sandwich." They fed them snacks, then piled their plates full. So much food was thrown out.
The two year old was given one of my high dollar pans, and a wooden spoon, and also my favorite measuring spoons and cups to play with. At the end of the day, I had to dig them out of the toy box and wash them. We keep plenty of toys around, so there is no need for them to play with this stuff. I kept my mouth shut, but not Pop. He had plenty to say. 🤣
We were so worn out by the end of the day. I love them, but I think I prefer them in small doses. I could not be a teacher.
I couldn’t be one either. Being a Para is stressful. Teachers don’t get paid enough.
If I ever get grandkids, I’m sure my mouth will get me in trouble.
Good morning folks :frow

:frow Good morning Debby, have a great day

:frow Good morning Janie, have a great day

:frow Good morning DMC, have a great day
Hi Bob, you also.
Good morning all. The sun is back to shining and it looks like a wonderful day. 🌻🌻
Hi Mark!
Behavior problems seem to run rampant nowadays.
My grands were here the weekend. I did a lot of cringing. Moms let them all run around with blueberries in hand. I believe in keeping food, especially messy food, at the table. They ate continuously, while we were preparing meals. No "wait, it's almost time for lunch" instead it was "Do you want some cereal while you wait? Do you want a snack? Here's a sandwich." They fed them snacks, then piled their plates full. So much food was thrown out.
The two year old was given one of my high dollar pans, and a wooden spoon, and also my favorite measuring spoons and cups to play with. At the end of the day, I had to dig them out of the toy box and wash them. We keep plenty of toys around, so there is no need for them to play with this stuff. I kept my mouth shut, but not Pop. He had plenty to say. 🤣
We were so worn out by the end of the day. I love them, but I think I prefer them in small doses. I could not be a teacher.

Some times I wish I had a couple of grandkids. Sometimes I'm glad I don't. I agree with DMC, my mouth would get me in trouble. Maybe if I did have grandkids, I wouldn't see much of them because their parents would be mad at me.

True story time: I used to know named Wanda (she was the mother of a friend). One day a neighbor lady came to visit Wanda and brought her rowdy 5 year old with her. The kid ran throughout the house, yelled for no reason, jumped on the couch and generally mis-behaved. Wanda tried to tactfully tell the neighbor kids aren't allowed to act that way in her house and the neighbor made the excuse the kid was just "expressing himself". Wanda finally had enough and gave the kid a slap on the butt. Then Wanda told the stunned mother she was just "expressing herself". Neighbor and kid never visited Wanda again. :lol:
That's not the sort of record anyone needs to break. Hope it's cooling off by now Ron.
Now that's just too hot. I remember going through Needles California in 1967 and seeing a sign that read 120. Of course it was out in the sun.
We have three more days of temps up to and over 110. It was 78F outside when I got up this morning.
The hottest I have been in was when we lived in corning, CA. It was 121.9 for two days in a row.

It was terrible!
We have three more days of temps up to and over 110. It was 78F outside when I got up this morning.
The hottest I have been in was when we lived in corning, CA. It was 121.9 for two days in a row.

It was terrible!

Is your office workable Ron? You had mentioned earlier it wasn't much on the cooling.
I'm sorry y'all are breaking those kind of records. Hang in there, Ron. Fall weather will be here soon.

I assume your automobile was too. The days before air conditioning in 🚗

Good morning, Debby. Happy hump day!
Next week we go down to 88F for a high! That will be amazing.
Next week we go down to 88F for a high! That will be amazing.
That's great to hear. We are in the low nineties now, and it's comparatively heaven.
I'm already sweating next summer. (Pun semi-intended) I'm already worrying about which chickens are getting too old, too chunky, and are too heavily feathered to handle the weather, if it's this hot next year.
That's great to hear. We are in the low nineties now, and it's comparatively heaven.
I'm already sweating next summer. (Pun semi-intended) I'm already worrying about which chickens are getting too old, too chunky, and are too heavily feathered to handle the weather, if it's this hot next year.

Which of your breeds seem to handle the heat the best Janie?
Everybody is replaceable.
Not currently, seems every type of business can't find enough employees.

I remember one he had back around 1960 that dripped condensation on the passenger seat floor every time it was used
i don't suppose he could have just cleared out the drain tube ;)

All this "old car" talk got me thinking. The first car I actually remember was the 1971 Chevy Malibu my mother bought for $3,500 which I remember she thought was outrageous. Odd that I don't remember any car before that given I was 15 in '71.

But I do remember riding around with the windows down, hands out waving in the wind, while mom said " get your hand back in this car, before it gets cut off!"
How many fingers can you hold up Janie? ;)

I kept my mouth shut, but not Pop. He had plenty to say.
Good for him, your house shouldn't be a terror zone.

I could not be a teacher.
Neither could I. My mother taught everything from 1st to 3rd after my parents divorced when I was 11.

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