The NFC B-Day Chat Thread

What are you going to do with the rest of your time off?
Well, yesterday I watched TV all day, and today is the same apparently. We’re going out for dinner tonight so eventually I’ll have to get out of my jammies. It’s raining so outdoor activities are out, but I have to get in the office and do a major clean and rearrange. I walked in there this morning and walked right back out lol. Tomorrow. I spent the week leading up to the holiday rearranging the entire house, plus cooked and worked and all the things, because the boys got new beds. I’m taking it easy for a couple days before I do anything else. I know, not very Virgo of me but there you go.
Well, yesterday I watched TV all day, and today is the same apparently. We’re going out for dinner tonight so eventually I’ll have to get out of my jammies. It’s raining so outdoor activities are out, but I have to get in the office and do a major clean and rearrange. I walked in there this morning and walked right back out lol. Tomorrow. I spent the week leading up to the holiday rearranging the entire house, plus cooked and worked and all the things, because the boys got new beds. I’m taking it easy for a couple days before I do anything else. I know, not very Virgo of me but there you go.
I’ve done the walk in and walk back out again. I usually have to get pissed off and then tackle it.

I just looked up Virgo. I don’t think I’ve ever read about the personality of a Virgo. OMG, most of it was totally accurate for me. Interesting!

I got my vehicle vacuumed and washed up on the inside a bit. It’s not perfect, but 35* is a little cold on the fingers. It’s so nice outside though. It’s a 70* difference in temperature from a couple days ago. You walk out and just appreciate it.
Well, yesterday I watched TV all day, and today is the same apparently. We’re going out for dinner tonight so eventually I’ll have to get out of my jammies. It’s raining so outdoor activities are out, but I have to get in the office and do a major clean and rearrange. I walked in there this morning and walked right back out lol. Tomorrow. I spent the week leading up to the holiday rearranging the entire house, plus cooked and worked and all the things, because the boys got new beds. I’m taking it easy for a couple days before I do anything else. I know, not very Virgo of me but there you go.

Sounds to me like you deserve some couch & tv time, you work hard enough.

Do you believe in horoscopes about personalities?
I’ve done the walk in and walk back out again. I usually have to get pissed off and then tackle it.

I just looked up Virgo. I don’t think I’ve ever read about the personality of a Virgo. OMG, most of it was totally accurate for me. Interesting!

I got my vehicle vacuumed and washed up on the inside a bit. It’s not perfect, but 35* is a little cold on the fingers. It’s so nice outside though. It’s a 70* difference in temperature from a couple days ago. You walk out and just appreciate it.

Had to laugh DMC, it helps my cleaning attitude to get mad too :lol:
Also better than dead mouse. And WAY better than barfed dead mouse.
That's for sure! Never want to step on those.
I’ve done the walk in and walk back out again. I usually have to get pissed off and then tackle it.

I just looked up Virgo. I don’t think I’ve ever read about the personality of a Virgo. OMG, most of it was totally accurate for me. Interesting!

I got my vehicle vacuumed and washed up on the inside a bit. It’s not perfect, but 35* is a little cold on the fingers. It’s so nice outside though. It’s a 70* difference in temperature from a couple days ago. You walk out and just appreciate it.
I have a book of birthdays and a description of personality. I've only met 1 person that it didn't seem accurate for but it's really fun to bust it out at parties and people read about their specific day.
Sounds to me like you deserve some couch & tv time, you work hard enough.

Do you believe in horoscopes about personalities?
Yes and no. I don’t believe in horoscopes or that we’re predestined to live a certain life based on a birth chart. What I’ve read about Virgos is pretty close for me though, both the good and the bad. I am a perfectionist when it comes to my work, both personally and professionally. I have to rein in the analytical side for a lot of reasons :lol: Could be coincidence, but maybe it’s not :idunno I just read it once to see how close it would be.
I’ve done the walk in and walk back out again. I usually have to get pissed off and then tackle it.

I just looked up Virgo. I don’t think I’ve ever read about the personality of a Virgo. OMG, most of it was totally accurate for me. Interesting!

I got my vehicle vacuumed and washed up on the inside a bit. It’s not perfect, but 35* is a little cold on the fingers. It’s so nice outside though. It’s a 70* difference in temperature from a couple days ago. You walk out and just appreciate it.
When I’m pissed off I usually do my best work :lol:

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