The NFC B-Day Chat Thread

Cookies are done. 6 dozen pecan/chocolate chip cookies, 4 dozen potato chip cookies, and 3 dozen thumb prints. My favorites are the ricotta cheese cookies followed closely by the jelly filled Hungarian cookies.
I do not think that I'd be able to pick one favorite from that collection. I'd want several of each.
What are Potato chip cookies? (I've never heard of them but I'm sure I'd love them.)
@janiedoe first time making the potato chip cookies. They are still cooling so I haven't tried them yet. 1 lb unsalted butter, 3.25 cups flour, 1 cup sugar, 1 tsp vanilla, l.5 cups coarsely crushed potato chips. Drop well rounded teaspoons of dough onto cookie sheet. Cook 15 to 20 minutes at 300 F. Sprinkle with powdered sugar.

I think we made each cookie too large. I had to bake 30 + minutes to finish them.
Cookies are done. 6 dozen pecan/chocolate chip cookies, 4 dozen potato chip cookies, and 3 dozen thumb prints. My favorites are the ricotta cheese cookies followed closely by the jelly filled Hungarian cookies.

I'm impressed every year with your (and the Princess) cookie baking Sour! Your family is lucky to enjoy your efforts.
I hope you feel better quickly.
I woke up coughing this morning.
The first thing I thought of, was that yesterday was my first time going inside a store in weeks. I was afraid I caught "something " but I felt so much better after an alergy tablet. Thankfully, because my youngest and his wife are coming in this Thursday.
I hope you will feel well enough to enjoy your family.

Glad an allergy tablet fixed things up's never a good time to be sick, but especially not around the holidays.
@janiedoe first time making the potato chip cookies. They are still cooling so I haven't tried them yet. 1 lb unsalted butter, 3.25 cups flour, 1 cup sugar, 1 tsp vanilla, l.5 cups coarsely crushed potato chips. Drop well rounded teaspoons of dough onto cookie sheet. Cook 15 to 20 minutes at 300 F. Sprinkle with powdered sugar.

I think we made each cookie too large. I had to bake 30 + minutes to finish them.

Those sound interesting, I've never heard of them either.
I'm impressed every year with your (and the Princess) cookie baking Sour! Your family is lucky to enjoy your efforts.
Fact is it gets a little harder each year. As of today, the Princess is beat. She does the hard part - preparing the dough. I just cook and decorate. The anti inflammatories have been utilized for sure.
Good afternoon all. I feel like I might be getting sick so haven’t done much today. Did get the bathroom cleaned and changed the sheets on the bed. Now I’m trying to muster the gumption to clean the kitchen counters and table. The teenager can cart things out to the shed for me later and finishing dinner should be easy for my daughter.
I hope your are not coming down with any kind of a bug. Save the bugs for other critters to eat. Way to many good folks are ill already.
Turkey, bacon, American cheese on keto bread with mayo, cranberry honey mustard, and nature’s seasons. Sooooo good LOL

Fact is it gets a little harder each year. As of today, the Princess is beat. She does the hard part - preparing the dough. I just cook and decorate. The anti inflammatories have been utilized for sure.

I got my baking done and mom's package boxed up. If it weren't for her wanting Christmas goodies, I wouldn't be making hardly anything. It is a lot of work!
@janiedoe first time making the potato chip cookies. They are still cooling so I haven't tried them yet. 1 lb unsalted butter, 3.25 cups flour, 1 cup sugar, 1 tsp vanilla, l.5 cups coarsely crushed potato chips. Drop well rounded teaspoons of dough onto cookie sheet. Cook 15 to 20 minutes at 300 F. Sprinkle with powdered sugar.

I think we made each cookie too large. I had to bake 30 + minutes to finish them.
Let us know how they taste, please. They sound interesting.

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