The NFC B-Day Chat Thread

Both. The shower is June 8th and the wedding is July 27th. I’m not worried about the shower. I won’t have to bake as much for that. I need to be making room in the freezer. We got a whole cow a couple months ago and it took up a lot of space.

It might be helpful to get another freezer. A few years ago we bought a small one at Walmart and it's been perfect for just the 2 of us. You could use it for all the wedding stuff.
It might be helpful to get another freezer. A few years ago we bought a small one at Walmart and it's been perfect for just the 2 of us. You could use it for all the wedding stuff.
I have 2. One has vegetables and all the extras in it. Our son has a big one in his basement that we could probably use. It came with his house. The owner said it worked.
There is! I’m trying not to be bossy and I tell her if I am to put me in my place.
I’m making their goodies. I’m trying to figure out how to make a variety of things and not go completely crazy with the stress of it. I will have to freeze cupcakes and cookies and frost them the day before. My sister will help with the cookies. I need to teach her how to pipe frosting. :lol:

Good morning Debby and all..
Good morning, DMC. I hope you have a great weekend!
Good morning. I think we may see the sun today.

Good morning Sour, hope you and the Princess have a sunny day!

Debby and DMC, I have a book series suggestion:
The Jenna Stack series from Hannah Wren.
The 3rd book won't come out until September but I enjoyed the 1st and 2nd books so much that I didn't get much sleep the last two nights.

Good morning Janie, thanks for the book suggestion, I'll check them out!

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