The NFC B-Day Chat Thread

Had a CT scan today to check out my hernia. I feel sicker than a dog with having to drink that stuff, and having dye injected in my veins. Don't feel well at all.:(
Had a CT scan today to check out my hernia. I feel sicker than a dog with having to drink that stuff, and having dye injected in my veins. Don't feel well at all.:(

Sorry you aren't feeling well. Are they going to do some sort of repair on your hernia?

Don't know how to do multi-quotes yet (if that's even possible) but see where you asked about storms. We didn't get any rain but we are in the middle of getting crazy winds again. One tree over the road and the trash cans/ball washers are blown over again. Sheesh, this is getting tiresome.
Sorry you aren't feeling well. Are they going to do some sort of repair on your hernia?

Don't know how to do multi-quotes yet (if that's even possible) but see where you asked about storms. We didn't get any rain but we are in the middle of getting crazy winds again. One tree over the road and the trash cans/ball washers are blown over again. Sheesh, this is getting tiresome.
They are still in the figuring it all out phase. I may have multiple hernias, so this doctor wants to see all before deciding what to do. I have only had one appointment with this particular doctor who didn't even look at my ultrasound results or even my history before the appointment, and such a history I have. He is talking anywhere from laparoscopy to a huge surgery with multiple days in the hospital depending on what they find. I am tired of surgeries and hospitals personally, and hope he was being over dramatic.

I think we get the storms here in Wisconsin after your are done with them there. I see I have branches to pick up tomorrow off the yard and send to the goats for chipping and shredding. Constant winds are draining, after a while they get irritating don't they?
Had a CT scan today to check out my hernia. I feel sicker than a dog with having to drink that stuff, and having dye injected in my veins. Don't feel well at all.:(

Oh my, wouldn't have imagined you would need all that for a hernia.

I see I have branches to pick up tomorrow off the yard and send to the goats for chipping and shredding.

Ok, but don't pick up heavy branches ;). Will the goats actually eat those?

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