The NFC B-Day Chat Thread


J, be careful sloshing through all the mud. Is this much rain normal for where you are? Seems like you've had a lot.

Yes, it has been much wetter than usual. It's nice to not be conscious of how much water I'm using, but the mud is annoying (so glad we don't have carpet). By comparison, last winter our tanks hovered around 60-70% and weren't full once.

DMC, nice job on the dresser, you did a good job with it.

Sunflour, glad you're enjoying your Wellies. Moe, our accidental Wellie rooster, is turning into a very handsome guy. It's interesting having a male for the 1st time and seeing how he is already getting protective of the girls. One of them was having a hard time learning how to use the ramp to get into the coop and he patiently showed her how to get up it. He was feeding Sweetie (his fave) yesterday. At night, he'll wait until all the girls are in the coop and then go up, stand in the door for a while checking things out before going in himself. So far, he's very calm and well-behaved.

Time to fix another cup of coffee, be back later!

DMC, nice job on the dresser, you did a good job with it.

Sunflour, glad you're enjoying your Wellies. Moe, our accidental Wellie rooster, is turning into a very handsome guy. It's interesting having a male for the 1st time and seeing how he is already getting protective of the girls. One of them was having a hard time learning how to use the ramp to get into the coop and he patiently showed her how to get up it. He was feeding Sweetie (his fave) yesterday. At night, he'll wait until all the girls are in the coop and then go up, stand in the door for a while checking things out before going in himself. So far, he's very calm and well-behaved.

Time to fix another cup of coffee, be back later!

I wish Moe would work out to be a real gentleman so you could keep him? Maybe if the gals have saddles ready just in case..:fl
Jae how are the jelly beans (Java babies) doing- I can't imagine feeding something so tiny.

They are doing so well. I was a bit worried about the one with nipped toes for a day because he kept flopping on his side but he's a lot more coordinated now. They are both guzzling their food and I only have to feed them every 2 hours. They are a week old now so I'm hopeful they will make it.

I was going to take another photo of them but yesterday was so cold that even with our fire going I felt it was too chilly to have them out of the incubator any longer than it took me to change their paper towel nest. Today is supposed to be a bit warmer with less of the howling wind and rain we had yesterday afternoon. It's 5am so it's still pretty cold at the moment. They are funny because if I have the incubator open too long they stop begging so it's a painful process of feeding them, shutting the incubator and peering through the cloudy plastic to see if they are ready for the next lot.
coffee life.jpg

At least that's the idea...still waiting for the "bring back to life" bit. Rough day yesterday. Today has to be better, right? Maybe it's a good idea to keep those magic beans handy today, lol!

Hope you all have a great one!

P.S. Anyone else need some magic beans, let me know and I'll share
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At least that's the idea...still waiting for the "bring back to life" bit. Rough day yesterday. Today has to be better, right? Maybe it's a good idea to keep those magic beans handy today, lol!

Hope you all have a great one!

P.S. Anyone else need some magic beans, let me know and I'll share

Hope that your Friday is a good one!:hugs
Hope you had a better day today Debby. Any chance of an evening off on the cards for you?

I'd had a Japanese quail male take off on me the other day. He flushed upwards as I opened the cage door (which is a flip up one if you know what I mean) - all the spare males are in with our bantam chickens. He sailed over the fence into the neighbours and I thought to myself (it was late and I had two tired kids to feed) "Oh well, he'll be got by a cat for sure" (it's not like we don't have 19 other spare males)! Yesterday afternoon (2 days later) I went out to cover up some of the bantam run as it was howling a very cold southerly, and there he was sitting in the middle of the backyard. He's a calm male usually anyway (no idea why he decided to take off on me) so I caught him very easily. Other than being rather hungry he was absolutely fine.

My Javas are doing great and they have the beginnings of pin feathers on their wings. They are at least twice the size they were in my last photo. Still ugly bugs!

I got a new washing machine and it came up with an error one week in - last Wednesday! We were going to have to wait until next Tuesday for a technician to come and assess it (I had looked up the error and found it was to do with the circuit board not working properly). I couldn't get the door open as it was mid wash and the door was locked. A technician was supposed to let us know how I could get my clothes out. They never contacted us. The door finally unlocked yesterday so our clothes had been in there for two whole days sitting in water. They STANK. :sick Reeeeal bad! Not happy with how long we were going to have to wait we said we wanted a different brand and we would pay the difference, and told them what the error meant (ie. it wasn't something we'd done). They decided to do that for us (thank goodness) so my new washing machine will be delivered and set up for us tomorrow morning. Hopefully this brand will have better product support if something goes wrong. I can't WAIT!

It's been the coldest week and my kids ended up in summer clothing because they'd got through their winter ones (it is so muddy outside you only have to step out there to be covered in mud and our son delights in playing in the mud). I was already behind on my washing before the error so it's been very frustrating to say the least! You really don't know what you've got til it's gone!

Hope you all enjoy your weekend!

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