The NFC B-Day Chat Thread

Flowers popping out! 20180330_180719.jpg 20180330_180743.jpg 20180330_180819.jpg
I’m so excited I can’t stand it!! I’m wiggling all over and can’t stop grinning! It WORKED! Kendra did it!!! She was at the table writing the names of the little animals she was pulling out of their basket (see the words I could identify and circled). So I thought, “Now or never,” held out an Oreo and asked her what it was. She said cookie, so I asked her if she could write it down. She DID! Oh, sure, she spelled it COKE but I ain’t marking off for spelling at this point! She got the cookie! Then I asked her if she wanted a drink with it, and when she pointed at the fridge I said “Milk or juice?” She said “milk” so I pointed to the paper and asked her to write it. SHE DID IT! Then she got it, of course! We’re just making early connections at this point, and I’m not arrogant enough to think that we’ve “solved” anything, but I’m gonna keep at it! And next time I’m gonna video it!

Here are photos. The words she wrote are just circled in one and in the other I interpreted what she wrote as well as I could remember. Oh, and in the one photo I missed the word “moo”. SHE DID IT, my friends! She’s so doggone smart and I’m so hopeful here!!
@Blooie that's wonderful!:celebrate
Good Evening Friends :hugs

Happy Birthday @MrsMistyReal :clap

Yay Kendra!! :clap

We made a decision early morning to go to Townsville so no time to post. I picked up a beautiful plant ‘Dragons Breath’, a couple of garden decorations and some baby Habanero and Jalapeno plants. Not my plant because I am too tired to take it’s picture, but this is Dragons Breath:

Dragon's Breath.jpg

Got home and repotted it and the Habanero’s and Jalapeno’s and also planted a Croton plant my neighbour gave me.

Long day and time to put my feet up .. I can not remember the last time I did this, but the greets are going to have to go without contribution from me; I do not have the energy.
I’m so excited I can’t stand it!! I’m wiggling all over and can’t stop grinning! It WORKED! Kendra did it!!! She was at the table writing the names of the little animals she was pulling out of their basket (see the words I could identify and circled). So I thought, “Now or never,” held out an Oreo and asked her what it was. She said cookie, so I asked her if she could write it down. She DID! Oh, sure, she spelled it COKE but I ain’t marking off for spelling at this point! She got the cookie! Then I asked her if she wanted a drink with it, and when she pointed at the fridge I said “Milk or juice?” She said “milk” so I pointed to the paper and asked her to write it. SHE DID IT! Then she got it, of course! We’re just making early connections at this point, and I’m not arrogant enough to think that we’ve “solved” anything, but I’m gonna keep at it! And next time I’m gonna video it!

Here are photos. The words she wrote are just circled in one and in the other I interpreted what she wrote as well as I could remember. Oh, and in the one photo I missed the word “moo”. SHE DID IT, my friends! She’s so doggone smart and I’m so hopeful here!!

Kendra's a smart cookie for sure! Love kids spelling - makes a lot more sense than the proper spelling sometimes. She'll keep surprising you I'm sure.

Happy Birthday @KDOGG331
Hope you're having a lovely time at your grandparents.

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