The NFC B-Day Chat Thread

Hey everybody! Blooie - I feel your pain with the bra shopping. I've found one bra style I like and I'm sunk if they stop making it. I dislike clothes shopping of any kind at the best of times, but trying to find a bra that is comfortable is not an easy task.

It's been a very long week with our DS being rather sick. Today is the first day he hasn't slept most of the day. On Sunday we had to go to Disney on Ice as Mum had bought the tickets ages ago. He made it through that but was exhausted by the time we got home - then he started breaking out in weird welts/rashes which was a little concerning. But they would come and go and move around - it was almost like a reaction to his skin touching anything. That was still happening yesterday but today he's still coughing a lot but definitely brighter than he has been, poor chap. In the midst of all that he had two teeth fall out. One possibly was swallowed while eating (he's barely eaten anything all week too) and the second one was in a little bowl on the bench which I managed to put through the dishwasher. So the Tooth Fairy had her work cut out for her locating those two!

Our DD turns 11 on Friday. Can't believe it! So I have to bake a cake and think about how I'm going to decorate it. She wants a beach/ocean cake (like usual) and I made a little sea dragon out of polymer clay to go on it too at her request. I didn't think my talents stretched to making a whole cake that looked like a sea dragon!
We missed you!
Jae!!!! So glad you had a few minutes to pop have been missed!! Sorry about the Little not feeling so hot, though.

Gosh, that almost sounds like the Scarlet Fever Evan had last year. Started out with just cold type symptoms but it seemed like in no time he just got worse. He started perking up a couple of days after the rash, but the skin sort of peeled after the rash, sort of like a sunburn. It happened when Dan came to get him for the summer. By the time they got to Sioux Falls he was pretty sick, so Dan took him in and they said it was Strep. The rash started after that so he took Evan back in. I don’t know what his rash looked like or how it behaved, though, so don’t put too much stock in that. I’m really just kinda remarking on how fast kids can go from under the weather to sicker than dogs and back again. Dan wasn’t too happy with she planned it or something and was a bad mom for not taking him in before Dan came for him. Shoot, he wasn’t that sick then or she wouldn’t have even let him go! Grrrr!

Funny about his teeth, though! And tell the other Little Happy Birthday! Gotta see pics of that cake!
Hey everybody! Blooie - I feel your pain with the bra shopping. I've found one bra style I like and I'm sunk if they stop making it. I dislike clothes shopping of any kind at the best of times, but trying to find a bra that is comfortable is not an easy task.

It's been a very long week with our DS being rather sick. Today is the first day he hasn't slept most of the day. On Sunday we had to go to Disney on Ice as Mum had bought the tickets ages ago. He made it through that but was exhausted by the time we got home - then he started breaking out in weird welts/rashes which was a little concerning. But they would come and go and move around - it was almost like a reaction to his skin touching anything. That was still happening yesterday but today he's still coughing a lot but definitely brighter than he has been, poor chap. In the midst of all that he had two teeth fall out. One possibly was swallowed while eating (he's barely eaten anything all week too) and the second one was in a little bowl on the bench which I managed to put through the dishwasher. So the Tooth Fairy had her work cut out for her locating those two!

Our DD turns 11 on Friday. Can't believe it! So I have to bake a cake and think about how I'm going to decorate it. She wants a beach/ocean cake (like usual) and I made a little sea dragon out of polymer clay to go on it too at her request. I didn't think my talents stretched to making a whole cake that looked like a sea dragon!
Great to see you back!:frow Sorry to hear about your DS. Skin rashes are never fun! :sick
Hope he's better real soon.
Tell your DD, Happy B-day!:ya I'd send her a pair of yellow goldens, if I could! :(

Hope your almost finished with your remodeling so you can get to looking for a new place. :)
Hey everybody! Blooie - I feel your pain with the bra shopping. I've found one bra style I like and I'm sunk if they stop making it. I dislike clothes shopping of any kind at the best of times, but trying to find a bra that is comfortable is not an easy task.

It's been a very long week with our DS being rather sick. Today is the first day he hasn't slept most of the day. On Sunday we had to go to Disney on Ice as Mum had bought the tickets ages ago. He made it through that but was exhausted by the time we got home - then he started breaking out in weird welts/rashes which was a little concerning. But they would come and go and move around - it was almost like a reaction to his skin touching anything. That was still happening yesterday but today he's still coughing a lot but definitely brighter than he has been, poor chap. In the midst of all that he had two teeth fall out. One possibly was swallowed while eating (he's barely eaten anything all week too) and the second one was in a little bowl on the bench which I managed to put through the dishwasher. So the Tooth Fairy had her work cut out for her locating those two!

Our DD turns 11 on Friday. Can't believe it! So I have to bake a cake and think about how I'm going to decorate it. She wants a beach/ocean cake (like usual) and I made a little sea dragon out of polymer clay to go on it too at her request. I didn't think my talents stretched to making a whole cake that looked like a sea dragon!

Hi Jae :frow it's so good to see you!

Sounds like you've certainly had your hands full. I hope your DS is feeling better soonest. Hope you'll share a photo of your birthday girl's cake, it's going to look great with a beach dragon!
It's an early day off to the races for me...DH needs me to follow him to town so he can drop off a rental. Then in to work. Can't remember if I mentioned it or not but our bid for feeding the Cattlemen's Assoc. was accepted so we'll be providing the food for 75 on Thursday. Time to get cooking!

Hope you all have a great day :D

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