The NFC B-Day Chat Thread

Wow...I was off for a day and my GOODNESS - what I missed!!

Happy birthdays, Princess and Mrs. Phil!!

What else did I miss? Oh, yeah - Hey Debby, you're moving to the wrong half of the state! You need to come up to the Banana Belt - those folks in Cheyenne get way too much winter for my taste! The first 15 years we lived here we didn't even own a snow shovel - we swept the snow off with a push broom!

I think I'll be safer just picking up where you all left off - too easy to forget someone or something important if I try to reconstruct!

Hey there Blooie! I wondered where you had gone and then remembered you went to Riverton, right? Hope your driving was uneventful.

That's crazy to think someone could live in WY without a snow shovel, lol. Just think, whenever we do make it up there, we could meet somewhere in the middle maybe. That would be fun. Do you think WY is big enough for 2 crazy chicken ladies?
I think Wyoming is big enough for the entire Leukemia's Back and Birthday thrreads, Debby! Lots of open space here, that's for sure. We have 2 stoplights in our entire county. How in the heck anyone ever gets a ticket for running a stoplight is beyond me!! It's not like there's one on every corner! We could meet up just about anywhere! What most folks consider a long drive is just a good stretch of the legs for us.

Yep, we left for Riverton on Friday, spent the night there (AND had my shrimp cocktail and lobster tail at the Wind River Casino) and then all day Saturday Ken had meetings. I stayed in the sitting room at the lodge and read my book, worked on a little quilting, and just plain relaxed. I'm all recharged and ready for the new week now. We got home about 8 last night.

Jenny was supposed to pick up eggs on Friday evening and then a couple of times during the day on Saturday. Ken and I must have picked up the last of the day's eggs on Friday because she said there weren't any. But the girls sure made up for it on Sat.....17 eggs out of 19 layers. I'm overrun here again!! We brought KFC home from Riverton and I had no place to put it in the fridge!! There are 9 full 18 packs in there and 1 partial 18 pack. So I'll be hardboiling eggs today and the girls will get their favorite treat. John was supposed to come over while we were gone and pick up his 3 packs (if we aren't home he just comes in, gets his eggs, and leaves the money on the table) but for some reason he didn't. I have to take 2 packs to the postmistress - there was a slip in the mailbox asking for two - and when I take Kendra to school I can take 3 there....they always take them. But if I sell a pack and the girls almost fill another one that same day, I'm kinda like going backwards! SLOW DOWN, LADIES!!
Egg overload isn't such a bad thing...we start eating a lot of egg salad and love our eggnog for coffee. The girls get their share, then, POOF, almost back to none. (Until the next day or so.)

We have 3 dozen in the kitchen now so yesterday was a good day to worm them. I just hope the neighbors aren't counting on a lot of eggs for Easter egg dying.
Now don't go getting yourself in trouble sour (again)!

I just showed her your post - not mine confirming that would be her cake.

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