The NFC B-Day Chat Thread

I've wanted to do that here, but haven't yet. I did plant some honeyberry (haksap) last year, but they're not even knee high yet.

Next year will hopefully be a return to gardening and landscaping. I plan on planting a buckeye, some honeysuckle and blue spruce. I found a cherry bush that can grow in our climate. I think that would be easier than a tree, but chances are the wildlife will get the fruit before I have the chance. I'd love to have McIntosh apple too. What fruit trees do you have?

Can you put up some chicken wire around new plantings? That might keep them safer from the critters.
I've wanted to do that here, but haven't yet. I did plant some honeyberry (haksap) last year, but they're not even knee high yet.

Next year will hopefully be a return to gardening and landscaping. I plan on planting a buckeye, some honeysuckle and blue spruce. I found a cherry bush that can grow in our climate. I think that would be easier than a tree, but chances are the wildlife will get the fruit before I have the chance. I'd love to have McIntosh apple too. What fruit trees do you have?
Plum, pear, and apple, several varieties. I had a peach tree in but it died off. I think they are fussy trees.
Plum, pear, and apple, several varieties. I had a peach tree in but it died off. I think they are fussy trees.
mil and i used to can peaches, she threw the pits out in the beginning of the garden, believe it or not, some of the pits started and she let one grow, its a white flesh peach,she loved the white peaches, its still there altho we normally don't get a nice peach off it, too many start and we don't know how to thin them and they also get a mold(?) of some sort on them, mil is no longer here, she passed in 2012 so can't ask her how to get rid of the mold and thin and don't know anyone else to ask but anyway, the point of this story is, all the peaches that drop before they get totally ripe, sometimes start trees, if i see them in time while hoeing, i take them up and take them to friends to let try their hand at peach trees
We have apples, pears, grapes, and we had apricots for a long time. But the winter of 2014, we had temperatures in the high 60’s and 70’s, then in two days we dropped to 17 below zero. That killing freeze after so much steady warmth was the end of that tree.

Maybe by the time spring rolls around you'll feel all better and Ken can be home more...maybe get some new trees planted?

You're still getting some chicks in the future, right?
We have apples, pears, grapes, and we had apricots for a long time. But the winter of 2014, we had temperatures in the high 60’s and 70’s, then in two days we dropped to 17 below zero. That killing freeze after so much steady warmth was the end of that tree.
we have the same, mil loved fruit and loved to can for winter, in all the years living here, only one time did we ever get apricots, husband is really disgusted with those two trees, and since we've never had much luck with them, told him if he wants he can take them out, altho have admit, they're beautiful green trees in the summer , i can find maybe a sickle pear or another apple tree that we want to try:)
Maybe by the time spring rolls around you'll feel all better and Ken can be home more...maybe get some new trees planted?

You're still getting some chicks in the future, right?

That’s still the plan, Debby. I miss having them and those fresh eggs. How we’re going to manage it with the Gentle Giant I don’t know. But where there’s a will there’s a way, I guess.

we have the same, mil loved fruit and loved to can for winter, in all the years living here, only one time did we ever get apricots, husband is really disgusted with those two trees, and since we've never had much luck with them, told him if he wants he can take them out, altho have admit, they're beautiful green trees in the summer , i can find maybe a sickle pear or another apple tree that we want to try:)

Our apricot produced like crazy.....loved picking them off the tree and eating them still warm from the sun. We may plant another when things slow down next spring.

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