The NFC B-Day Chat Thread

Sour the most dogs I ever had at one time was 14 adults mostly champions and 13 puppies from 5 different litters (some were stud fee pups). THATS when I realized I needed to downsize. (vet bills etc)

Otherwise it was a breeze taking care of them- they had in/out runs so took their business outside. Of course every time I'd scoop, it would trigger others to poop again.

Really loved adding new pea gravel to the dog runs and of course every time I dumped a wheel barrow full - one dog or another would climb to the top and poop on that too. That meant stopping to clean up again before dumping more gravel. But, I loved it. For some reason I loved it as much as shoveling snow.
i told husband when i called tonight that his dog, bud. told me he wasn't getting in the car with me, we took my frenchie, sadie mae, left him home, she didn't come back, took him (husband) this morning and he didn't come back, no way is he going to take a chance :lau:lau
bud is still looking out the window for husband, and then going to the door, waiting for husband to come in, this is the second schipperke we've had and they seem to be one person dogs, oh they loved the cook but husband was the most important thing in the world to them

Did you just get called a dog? Uh uh, the fur's going to fly now!
smiley fighting.gif
Ok, all you dog trainers I need advice... My LGD's previous owners thought it was cute for him to chase cars and jump up for "hugs". I am less interested in the car chasing thing (we don't have a lot of cars), than the hugs thing. I've never had a dog that I didn't raise from a pup. How do I break this "Hug" thing? He responds well to "NO" in a firm but gentle voice. BTW, I'm a no hit no yell kind of a guy. They learn better from soft voice positive reinforcement than any other method.

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