The NFC B-Day Chat Thread

Maybe because DH got some at the store and stuck them in the nests! What a prankster. :lau

Like maybe mid to end of February? That is when mine tend to start back up.

Not a prank...all the eggs were blue! No blue eggs at my stores :lol:


I’m getting 1 a day out of 21. Most of mine are molting. No sunshine either.


First I saw it and then it disappeared! Honest it did! I'll have to go back and see if I can see it.

we're here and the computer up and running :wee:wee
now to go back and read

Hi Sharron! :frow

Glad to hear you made it to FL ok and you're all hooked up now :thumbsup
I just wish someone could explain, to my complete satisfaction, why vision and dental aren't automatically covered. Aren't the eyes and teeth part of the body? Why do they have to be insured separately, or paid completely out of pocket even if you have good health insurance!! :he
agree x1000
So much heartburn lately :rolleyes: took some Tums last night and some a few minutes ago but the ones I just took don't seem to be helping very much. They did a little but not much. Amy reason why the package would say not to take more than 7 in 24 hours? Isn't it just calcium? They are the ultra strength 1000 mg ones though.
try mixing up a half a teaspoon of baking soda in 8 ounces of water and drinking that to see if it helps, you'll burp alot but should ease your stomach
Here ya go dd, as promised! Along with a Elk antler handle knife/scabbard, hand beaded by me, made the knife too!

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View attachment 1603987
View attachment 1603988
Catilenite bowl cut/shaped using flint tools, sumac stem made the old way with a wood boring beetle for smoke channel, otter fur and brain tan buckskin for the fringed ornamentation, faceted cobalt blue glass beads, red trade wool, brass tacks for ornimentaion on stem.
View attachment 1603989
View attachment 1603991
Knife scabbard is rawhide wrapped in brain tan buckskin, beaded with various colored glass beads, my own design. Laid out on an 8 bar Hudson Bay blanket.
wow sean, nice work

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