The NFC B-Day Chat Thread

Absolutely how I was raised. I remember when my father went to get a car loan (in order to establish a credit rating) and was refused because he had paid cash for everything including our home - long, sad story there.
Yep, I have the same problem...I have always dealt with 'cash only', the way I was raised too! I get a kick out of the salesman that tries to get me to finance a vehicle, and the look on their face when I say "no thanks" I'm paying cash for it! :D
Yep, I have the same problem...I have always dealt with 'cash only', the way I was raised too! I get a kick out of the salesman that tries to get me to finance a vehicle, and the look on their face when I say "no thanks" I'm paying cash for it! :D

They probably don't hear that very often!
Morning, all! DMC, hope all goes well at the dentist and you can avoid the headache! Debby, while you’re at the store could you pick me up some pineapple? I’ll pay ya when I see ya. Thanks.

Now that it’s over, I can say this: I am so darned glad Mother”s Day is over!! Don’t misunderstand - I am so grateful for my family and I love them all dearly. I got some beautiful cards, flowers, and Ken made a great steak dinner for me. Jamie called, Kendra decided my new name is Grandmamother......silly baby.....Evan gave me one of those hugs only gangly 14 year old boys can give (one arm, with a kind of I’m-grown-up-for-this grin), and Katie wrote me a sweet poem. So it isn’t like I sat around feeling unappreciated. Not at all.

It’s just that under all that was trouble. Jamie and Rachel are in the middle of an ugly divorce, and he feels like I have to share every moment of his pity party and hear every detail of how miserable he is. I dunno, maybe it’s me. I’m supposed to be a good listener for the kids and grands, but on Mother’s Day I would think he could have just said “Happy Mother’s Day, Gramma. I love you and I’ll call you later in the week to let you know how it’s going around here.” The end.

Little Diane didn’t call or even text at all. She’s the epitome of why people hate Facebook....her posts are absolutely nothing but either selfies or mean political rants. And I mean selfies.....10 -12 of them in one day are not uncommon, all using those goofy filters to enhance or put doggie ears on herself, and “I just love how I did my eyeliner this morning” or “How did I get so cute?” followed by dozens of empty but gushing compliments from “friends” she doesn’t even know! Couldn’t take it anymore. I don’t know how she is, what her and Pete are up to, how the business is going. But by golly if I want to know how she feels about herself, her new purple and blue hair, or how she and she alone knows how the world should change to accommodate her warped sense of history, (did you know that we attacked poor defenseless Japan because we wanted their technology and nuclear power secrets?), and if I want to see the “F” word used as nouns, verbs, adverbs, adjectives, and stand alone sentences, then I’m all set. I need her in my life - I don’t need all that trash. So I sent her a little note, gently reminded her that Katie and Evan like to see the fam on my FB pages and they don’t need to see that or think I approve of public gutter talk, so I was blocking her from my FB but never out of my life. Got a one sentence reply - “We are the future of this country and if you don’t like it, too bad.” Not a peep since, and it’s been 5 weeks. She doesn’t even answer when I’ve called.

Ken is behind on his Grand York Rite secretary bookwork because of all the Grand Master traveling, so from almost the time he got up until he started making dinner his nose was in his computer. I dunno, it was just a very depressing day all around, and I let myself get sucked down. I’m better today, and I’ll be even better tomorrow. But I’m glad it’s over!

Now, anything else I can do to cheer you all up? :oops:
Awww! For what it's worth, I would do just about anything to have you in my family! Ya wanna get 'dopted?
Yep, I have the same problem...I have always dealt with 'cash only', the way I was raised too! I get a kick out of the salesman that tries to get me to finance a vehicle, and the look on their face when I say "no thanks" I'm paying cash for it! :D

No they don't...that's what's so funny, to see their jaw drop!

Bought my last truck 7 years ago. We agreed on a price, and I told the salesman, "I'm prepared to buy it today." He said, "Okay, lets go to see the finance guy." I said, "No I'll pay cash." Jaw drop ! Had to see the finance guy anyway who tried to get me to finance the truck. Why? So you can make more money on me ? No way.
Can't speak for B, but I do! Only, I don't want to move to Alabama cos it gets so hot and sticky there.
Not inside! Nice and cool in here!:gig
We work outside till we are sweating bullets, then get in the pool. Saves beaucoup money on AC. True story! But you could still be my 'dopted kinfolk no matter where you are!:love
Bought my last truck 7 years ago. We agreed on a price, and I told the salesman, "I'm prepared to buy it today." He said, "Okay, lets go to see the finance guy." I said, "No I'll pay cash." Jaw drop ! Had to see the finance guy anyway who tried to get me to finance the truck. Why? So you can make more money on me ? No way.
So you're sayin' you're not interested in interest? :eek:

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