The NFC B-Day Chat Thread

I can understand that, some of my classes have been horrible :( today's kids have no manners or respect.
You teachers do not get paid enough! This job has been an eye opener for me.
I couldn't do it DMC :hugsYou'd find me in the bathroom washing that brats mouth out with soap for speaking to me that way and then she'd stand in the corner until she was ready to clean up her mess without having an attitude about it. All day if necessary.

I would so get fired from that job :gig

Brats is an understatement :lol:
Apparently I have great restraint cuz I wanted to do just that:lol:
Or get an award! One would HOPE that if the parents knew she was talking that way she'd get it at home too. Then again, I have to wonder how disrespectful of others those kids' future children will be.
This little gal is the same as her mom and grandma unfortunately.

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