The NFC B-Day Chat Thread

Good morning everyone! :frow

Another roaring fire morning here, 27°F at 6:34am, when I took the pic. Light frost and breeze.

Morning Debby, Bob! :frow
Everyone make it a great day! :celebrate
Good morning everyone 😊

Morning DMC , hope today is better for you

Morning Debby, have a great day
Hi Sue! Thanks!
you also dmc, be safe
I’ll try🙂
Good morning DMC! :frow
Hi Sean 😊
Good morning everyone! :frow

Another roaring fire morning here, 27°F at 6:34am, when I took the pic. Light frost and breeze.
View attachment 2037564

Morning Debby, Bob! :frow
Everyone make it a great day! :celebrate
morning sean :frow
pretty sunrise there, mine is full blown sunshine now, so happy, if i can stay out of the wind and in the shine, it will be warm, wind has already started tho
had a good day sean
That big orange ball looks pretty good after all the rain we have had, eh? Have a great day Sharron! 🤩

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