The NFC B-Day Chat Thread

Whew, you guys have been a chatty bunch today. 🤣

Morning Jae, that sounds like some storm you got! Hope things calm down and you have a nice weather day :)

It has finally stopped raining here but we had about 4 inches in the space of 24 hours. The nearest city had 2 inches fall in the space of an hour (some people had to be evacuated from their homes due to flooding) and all up they had 8 and a half inches in the space of 24 hours! :eek: They called it a 500 year event.

Good morning folks :frow

Cappy I'm glad wind is doing better.

Jae, do you have a water catch system at the new place? Hoping you get better weather.

We collect our drinking water off the roof into tanks that hold not quite 16,000 gallons (60,000 litres). We have a dam for the stock water and have dug drains in a few places to channel the water to it that comes off the hill behind us. We do want to make the dam a bit bigger though (when we can afford it).

This is our 38th anniversary. We may have a shot at 50 if we survive the virus!

Happy anniversary! Sounds like you have a delicious meal planned for tonight.

Okay! I just don’t want to intrude if you know what I mean!

You are most welcome here. Tell us how your weather is, how your birds are. I'm on the other side of the world so rarely here when the conversation is really going on.

:frow you too jaeG!

:frow to you too - hope you're having a great day!
What are y’all talking about now?? Ok so maybe I’ll leave the thread I just don’t want to mess anything up! So bye! I may stop in once in a while!
No, don't go...@CaliFarmsAR ! I like messes and I am good at making them . Stop by and help me out!
Ron, It's the heat... And I just drove by the river, and didn't stop this time! forgive me!
Be careful of the river!

There is a place here where the American river flows into the Sacramento river that is very dnagereous
Whew, you guys have been a chatty bunch today. 🤣

It has finally stopped raining here but we had about 4 inches in the space of 24 hours. The nearest city had 2 inches fall in the space of an hour (some people had to be evacuated from their homes due to flooding) and all up they had 8 and a half inches in the space of 24 hours! :eek: They called it a 500 year event.

We collect our drinking water off the roof into tanks that hold not quite 16,000 gallons (60,000 litres). We have a dam for the stock water and have dug drains in a few places to channel the water to it that comes off the hill behind us. We do want to make the dam a bit bigger though (when we can afford it).

Happy anniversary! Sounds like you have a delicious meal planned for tonight.

You are most welcome here. Tell us how your weather is, how your birds are. I'm on the other side of the world so rarely here when the conversation is really going on.

:frow to you too - hope you're having a great day!
Don't smile. don't be so friendly. No one said you could smile! I am sooo kidding!:hugs

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