The NFC B-Day Chat Thread

i think debby that its going to get a lot worse, get it stocked up while you can, did you see that in some parts of the us that dr pepper can't be found, i'll make tea for a while i guess if i can't get my diet mt.dew :lau
WHAT No DrPepper? Where? Don't frighten me like that!:eek:
Hi Sharron, good to hear from you!

All that canning and freezing will be nice to have this coming winter.

Hope you & your's are doing well!
thanks debby, hate to admit it(don't tell anyone) but i enjoy the planting, the hoeing and the canning, who would have thought? not me thats for sure , i used to hate the gardening thing, just wish i could find a recipe for v8 spicy, we love it
Sharron, so happy to hear from you. I need to make time to do the same. Gonna talk to the boss about taking some time off so I can tend to things that need tending.
hi rj, yes when you have a garden, nothing waits til you have time, for the last three days i've been picking and canning purple hulls, i pick all that are ready, and some snaps, and the next day its like i never touched a pea, i only have one small row, and one row of red rippers, the purple hulls are getting close to the end and the rippers are taking over the purple hulls, this year i tried a couple of new beans, Cherokee trail of tears, (love the green beans, hard waiting for them to dry on the vine) also thai solder beans, picked a few today and had them for dinner, must admit i liked the recipe i found for them but seems like any cow pea pod would work so not next year.

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