The NFC B-Day Chat Thread

:caf Good afternoon, World. It’s time for your Cowley town news! Cowley - where you can stand in any intersection and see both ends of town.

The big news in Wyoming this week has been the Race to the Golden Spike. Yep, Big Boy is a giant, puffing steam locomotive and this trek across our state has been fun for this reporter to follow. We haven’t had this many tourists in the area at one time since the Eclipse! Bring yer money, folks - there’s more to Wyoming than a geyser peeing into the sky! The highlight of the event has been watching videos of visitors whining because what looks like a 30 mile highway drive on the map actually takes about 3 hours to drive. But it’s the most fun when they realize that Muddy Gap, Chugwater, Bar Nunn, and Halfway are real places.....most without services!

Locally it’s been an exciting week here in our good town. Seems when Mays bought the old Henderson place and were doing the demolition that Mother Nature and Father Time had begun, they ran into a bit of a problem. There were two homes on that lot - a stick built house and an old mobile home. After disconnecting water and power, and working around a capped garden hose nozzle that was sticking up out of the ground, the mobile was moved out with no issues, bound for that great trailer park slum in the sky. And the house came down with no problems, too. Ahhh, but when they went to start removing the old rock foundation, KA-BOOM!!! Seems when the Hendersons moved the old trailer to their lot for Old Mother Henderson to live in, they decided to save a little money and tapped off their gas line, running natural gas to her trailer via an underground garden hose. I kid you not!! So when the Mays hit that impregnated, old style rubber garden hose and connection - the one that didn’t show up on gas company records or the utility finding dude’s meter, and which still held gas vapor despite the gas being shut off when demolition started - well, it got a bit exciting on that end of town. Mays have said that now that half the hole for new basement is there, they should be able to replace the neighbor's windows with the money they'll save. Replacing the poor guy who was operating the backhoe may take a bit more time. Last time anyone saw him he was halfway up Sage Creek and still running hard. There were sheriff cars, firetrucks, and gas company trucks down on that end of town for the better part of Friday afternoon. The Cowley Beautification Committee was there selling popcorn and a can of Pepsi for 2 bucks. For 5 bucks more you could sneak past the barricades and see the smoking hole in the ground. Who says nothing ever happens in small towns?

Time for the weather! Interesting week in the Cheyenne area. Tornado warning sirens blasted the air yesterday as a huge, black thunderstorm rolled into the area. The tornado did touch down outside of Cheyenne, heading east toward Burns and Hathaway. Road crews were concerned for the safety of the snow plows, which hadn’t been put away after last week’s blizzard and will be needed for the snowstorm heading in on Wednesday and Thursday. Locally nothing as dramatic is in the forecast. Gloomy, followed by drizzle, followed by more gloomy and a chance of drizzle.

Well, folks, that's a lot of news to digest, I know. Just a reminder - don't forget the Parade of Homes coming up this weekend in our fair town, to be held come rain (most likely) or shine (fat chance). Come and tour both homes in this extravaganza of fun! Come and try to find where Mr. Daryumple really hides his bottle of Scotch. Snoop freely in medicine cabinets. (Why does Mrs. Daryumple even need birth control pills? Has she SEEN Mr. Daryumple?) Examine corners when nobody's looking to spot all the dirt that Mrs. Featherwort sweeps there. Marvel at the brass spittoon inherited from her great great grandfather. Rumor has it that the ashes of his first 4 wives are in there. There will be a door prize for the kiddies....the Meyerhoffsteders have donated the doggie door they used to use for their Giant Schnauzer before they found out he was really a horse. Boy, I'm so looking forward to this huge event! And don't forget that the Mercantile will be closed from 1-4 so that none of the three employees have to miss the fun. See you there!
:lau:lau:lau:lau:laumy ribcage will be so sore tomorrow from the laughing, blooie, you sure can tell a story:gig:gig
:caf Good afternoon, World. It’s time for your Cowley town news! Cowley - where you can stand in any intersection and see both ends of town.

The big news in Wyoming this week has been the Race to the Golden Spike. Yep, Big Boy is a giant, puffing steam locomotive and this trek across our state has been fun for this reporter to follow. We haven’t had this many tourists in the area at one time since the Eclipse! Bring yer money, folks - there’s more to Wyoming than a geyser peeing into the sky! The highlight of the event has been watching videos of visitors whining because what looks like a 30 mile highway drive on the map actually takes about 3 hours to drive. But it’s the most fun when they realize that Muddy Gap, Chugwater, Bar Nunn, and Halfway are real places.....most without services!

Locally it’s been an exciting week here in our good town. Seems when Mays bought the old Henderson place and were doing the demolition that Mother Nature and Father Time had begun, they ran into a bit of a problem. There were two homes on that lot - a stick built house and an old mobile home. After disconnecting water and power, and working around a capped garden hose nozzle that was sticking up out of the ground, the mobile was moved out with no issues, bound for that great trailer park slum in the sky. And the house came down with no problems, too. Ahhh, but when they went to start removing the old rock foundation, KA-BOOM!!! Seems when the Hendersons moved the old trailer to their lot for Old Mother Henderson to live in, they decided to save a little money and tapped off their gas line, running natural gas to her trailer via an underground garden hose. I kid you not!! So when the Mays hit that impregnated, old style rubber garden hose and connection - the one that didn’t show up on gas company records or the utility finding dude’s meter, and which still held gas vapor despite the gas being shut off when demolition started - well, it got a bit exciting on that end of town. Mays have said that now that half the hole for new basement is there, they should be able to replace the neighbor's windows with the money they'll save. Replacing the poor guy who was operating the backhoe may take a bit more time. Last time anyone saw him he was halfway up Sage Creek and still running hard. There were sheriff cars, firetrucks, and gas company trucks down on that end of town for the better part of Friday afternoon. The Cowley Beautification Committee was there selling popcorn and a can of Pepsi for 2 bucks. For 5 bucks more you could sneak past the barricades and see the smoking hole in the ground. Who says nothing ever happens in small towns?

Time for the weather! Interesting week in the Cheyenne area. Tornado warning sirens blasted the air yesterday as a huge, black thunderstorm rolled into the area. The tornado did touch down outside of Cheyenne, heading east toward Burns and Hathaway. Road crews were concerned for the safety of the snow plows, which hadn’t been put away after last week’s blizzard and will be needed for the snowstorm heading in on Wednesday and Thursday. Locally nothing as dramatic is in the forecast. Gloomy, followed by drizzle, followed by more gloomy and a chance of drizzle.

Well, folks, that's a lot of news to digest, I know. Just a reminder - don't forget the Parade of Homes coming up this weekend in our fair town, to be held come rain (most likely) or shine (fat chance). Come and tour both homes in this extravaganza of fun! Come and try to find where Mr. Daryumple really hides his bottle of Scotch. Snoop freely in medicine cabinets. (Why does Mrs. Daryumple even need birth control pills? Has she SEEN Mr. Daryumple?) Examine corners when nobody's looking to spot all the dirt that Mrs. Featherwort sweeps there. Marvel at the brass spittoon inherited from her great great grandfather. Rumor has it that the ashes of his first 4 wives are in there. There will be a door prize for the kiddies....the Meyerhoffsteders have donated the doggie door they used to use for their Giant Schnauzer before they found out he was really a horse. Boy, I'm so looking forward to this huge event! And don't forget that the Mercantile will be closed from 1-4 so that none of the three employees have to miss the fun. See you there!
Priceless Blooie!
Hi everyone
Just popping in to say hello and hoping all is well.

I'll be graduating from high school at the end of the month and I can't wait!
It's starting to warm up here in Cali and I'm not happy about that. :tongue

My little flock of 4 are healthy and staying hydrated! We recently had to cover up their dust bathing holes because they were almost deep enough to go under our fence! They definitely weren't happy about that and had to start all over again. :gig

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