The NFC B-Day Chat Thread

Oh yea, I'd be upset about those same things. Do you guys ear what you catch in your lake? Maybe next year will be better, I hope so!
yes, most of the time, once in awhile we turn them loose again, if i catch a bass, one meal is about all we will eat( i like the small ones, 2 to 3 lbs to fillet out ) then if i catch another, its let back into the lake, we normally keep the bream to eat tho, have a cage in the water that we put them in til ready to clean and eat
Most of the words are what are called "song words", the English words I'm sure you can make out! :D

Ya cool:thumbsup:D
Guess I'm lucky. I have what I think are Java Ferns in my aquarium. I break off quite a bit and toss it every couple of months otherwise you wouldn't be able to find the fish.
Yep I clean about a had full of moss and leaves from my aquarium every week .. I always leave some moss for the young fry .
great pic of the fish don
I could put them in a flat rate box with foam board insulation but if you'd rather wait for warmer weather I'll have plenty of extras then as well.
I ill be your next costumer... I love having many varietys of plants in my tanks:highfive:.
White willow bark = aspirin I believe
I'm saving this :Dfor when my back hurts and I come across a white willow when clearing in the woods:wee
We had a storm all weekend long. It left us with about 14” of snow. My hubby plows our rental units, we have 35. It takes 2hrs each time. Today he also has to pick up their garbage. So, I’ll be doin my farm chores...he’ll be gone most of the day. I’m keeping animalbs in’s too cold, not getting about 20*. My goats are both due to to kid in 2 weeks, so they need to stay warm, and my pot belly pigs hate this weather, same with the ducks and chickens. Is there anyone that loves it? :lol:
hi welcome! I think we have met before :thumbsup :frow

That's very common nowdays. They think all the have to do is show up....granted that is the most important part of a job showing up every work day but the other important part is "do your job".
The one thing that gripes me most is, you offer the job to them, they know the pay scale, then complain about the pay and wind up quitting. If you know the pay scale and don't like it....don't waste my time and yours, ...look for employment somewhere else.

That's disappointing considering America kinda relies on jobs to keep it running smoothly. just Another reason why we have so many things made in China.
This type was common, at least for smaller aquariums, not sure about big ones.
That looks more complicated then what I have now but it probably isn't:lol:.

But thanks for sharing
Back then the hot deal with aquarium keeping was under-gravel filters. work great to keep the aquarium clean but are death on planted plants. I had Chiclids Some are notorious diggers. Oh Yeah Salt water tanks were big even then... I imagine some were made of stainless for corrosion resistance.

I still have my 110 gallon For that tank I used a combo of an under gravel filter and a canister filter. Too deep for one that hangs on the back. The shape also dictates needing a good exchange rate and Air stones to stir the surface up. Air bubbles let carbon dioxide out.

I may buy a smaller more conventional tank for Raising Tilapia. Easier to deal with I could get one on Craigslist.... Yep I think that's a good idea. I can raise natural food for the fry in the form of Daphnia. Water fleas... And another tank for brine shrimp...

Here is a picture of my horse.... I still have her. Shes being cared for at a retirement facility. Shes been there two years now while I get back on my feet.
Rocking Jolly Kateen

In her prime she was about 1700 pounds... When I brought her home she went up to 2000 pounds. LOL But shes 25 now and shes hovering around 1800. Which is a decent weight for a horse that does nothing... LOL

Yep thats me... With the help of a trainer we trained her for Riding and Driving. I have ridden her about ten times. I have driven her many many times... I have a forecart and used to have a show cart... Forecart is very heavy I need help hitching it. The show cart was too big.

What I want is a smaller four wheeled vehicle for driving about in the desert. My original idea was to design and build horse drawn vehicles up there... but life got in the way. I still want a roebust Wagonette for her. Something light enough to hitch a light horse to if and when I get an additional horse to keep her company.

oh ya.. I remember someone was trying to sell me an old under gravel filter that they claimed was an antique ..I remember they said it was A common filter back in the day. I never baught it, to expensive. I have been struggling trying to raise live food for my fry. Daphina lives wild in the wet parts of my property. I have tried many times bringing them in and trying to care for them and get them to reproduce but.. I think my well water is to hard for them to survive. I was feeding them dry alge and fish food. But I don't thing that's what killed them. Nice Horse! ..She sounds healthy to. I bet she is well loved.
Back in the day they had undergravel filters and corner filters run by noisy air pumps.
View attachment 2009892here's my tank.
Yep,I use to use air pumps for my daphina . Very Noisy.

Unlike many folks I always look into care and what animals need before I get them, thanks. My well water is fine and we have no water softener. Thanks for the tips.
That's good, I use to sell fish so I've gotten custom to telling people how to care for them. People were calling me back and asking why their fish died . I was like" did you cycle the tank ?" And sometimes they don't even know what I'm talking about:th..
we have fence both here in fl and at home, altho bud has managed to get out of the front door(just fenced in back yard at home) once he was gone for overnight, thought we had lost him for sure, but son on his way to work found him trying to come home, bud wouldn't let son catch him so son called us and woke us up to tell us bud was running down the middle of the road home, needless to say, we were so glad to have him home safe and sound, hes also our last schipperke, pretty little dogs but too hard on the heart, husbands lst schipperke, we lost at 7 , he got liver cancer and by the time he started with symptoms it was too late:hit
Before our Pomeranian died he loved the sound of a gun. He would be dead asleep and hear my gun go off while I was hunting out in the back woods the wife would give me a call saying she let the dog out and hes running my way:lau he probably was excited because I would give him the guts after I cleaned the animal.:sick

The scary thing was when he would hear the neighbors gun go off and go running ..:oops:
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G'morning Sharron! I was born in a tiny town in Iowa, lived on a farm in Missouri until I was 8, then my folks moved us to CA (hated it other than the beach and mountains). Why do you ask? I don't mind you did, just curious.

Hey you, I was born in Iowa too! So were my parents. I still have a few relatives scattered around the state.

Home is where you make it right? I understand though. I've been back to CA quite a bit, but it's not "home" now. We haven't been around to adjust to the changes in scenery, etc so it feels...foreign. We live in AZ, for now. I told hubs we should let my daughter rent the house and we should get out of here.

Where would you like to go IM?

Goodmorning everyone. Woke up thinking it was Friday but I guess Thursday will have to do. Hope you all have a good day.

Hi Pert :frow Thursday isn't's the next best thing to Friday!
Ya cool:thumbsup:D

Yep I clean about a had full of moss and leaves from my aquarium every week .. I always leave some moss for the young fry .


I ill be your next costumer... I love having many varietys of plants in my tanks:highfive:.

I'm saving this :Dfor when my back hurts and I come across a white willow when clearing in the woods:wee

hi welcome! I think we have met before :thumbsup :frow

That's disappointing considering America kinda relies on jobs to keep it running smoothly. just Another reason why we have so many things made in China.

That looks more complicated then what I have now:lol:.


oh ya.. I remember someone was trying to sell me an old under gravel filter that they claimed was an antique ..I remember they said it was A common filter back in the day. I never baught it, to expensive. I have been struggling trying to raise live food for my fry. Daphina lives wild in the wet parts of my property. I have tried many times bringing them in and trying to care for them and get them to reproduce but.. I think my well water is to hard for them to survive. I was feeding them dry alge and fish food. But I don't thing that's what killed them. Nice Horse! ..She sounds healthy to. I bet she is well loved.

Wow very nice! Yep,I use to use air pumps for my daphina .

That's good, I use to sell fish so I've gotten custom to telling people how to care for them. People were calling me back and asking why their fish died . I was like" did you cycle the tank ?" And sometimes they don't even know what I'm talking about:th..

Before our Pomeranian died he loved the sound of a gun. He would be dead asleep and hear my gun go off while I was hunting out in the back woods the wife would give me a call saying she let the dog out and hes running my way:lau he probably was excited because I would give him the guts after I cleaned the animal.:sick

The scary thing was when he would hear the neighbors gun go off and go running ..:oops:

Hi Don, nice to see you here!
Hi guys sorry can't keep up with y'all but I love talking to you !
Good morning Sharron

Oh yea, I'd be upset about those same things. Do you guys ear what you catch in your lake? Maybe next year will be better, I hope so!
good morning!:frow

Good morning Bob! :frow Have a wonderful day!

Good morning Sharron! :frow I am quick this morning! :lol: Have a wonderful day!
Good morning two crows!
:frow Good morning Sour, Have a great day

Good morning Bob.
Maybe I should try them out for you :lol:

DH cannot stand citrus type desserts, I miss them sometimes.
Good morning NFC
Good morning everyone. It's clear and cool here with no wind. In the teens now, but mid 30's by noon. Next 10 days are to be unseasonably warm. Realistically we have had no 'winter' this year - so far. March can bring some major snow, but it never stays long.
Good morning sourland. :frow

Today's wether is in the 30sf but no wind or ran/ snow...

Have a good day everyone!

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