The NFC B-Day Chat Thread

Yeah, my diabetes will only allow me to live vicariously through those who don't have to worry about it. I am sure they make sugar free cake, but what's the point, it just isn't the same...
yeah, me too but you would be surprised at how good some of the keto sweets taste when you want a dessert, much better than nothing and don't send your sugar sky high
will have to try them, thanks... I brought my A1C from 12.3 3 years ago down to 7.6 last month and have it under control with pills only, no insulin. I dislike needles and would hate to have to jab myself with one...
i don't know what mine was when the dr told me i was a diabetic but i do know that for the last few years i've been under 7, dr wasn't happy with me back in nov cause it had gone up to 6.7(i had been bad eating lots of carbs) but i'm trying to do better,
i'm also on pills, no insulin, have a great fear of having to shoot myself in the stomach with the insulin
Thanks, Debby, I needed that. I've just vacated the Café. Gnats got to me big time.

I understand Sour. Looks like things have been cleaned up and hopefully that won't happen again. But gnats being gnats, who knows?

Anyway, you are always welcome here! And don't forget that secret pot of coffee in the back of the room with the b-day decorations :)

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