The NFC B-Day Chat Thread

I must live in a snow globe. We've had more snow and nasty weather here than has been seen in many years (according to long-time locals.
Ya i don't know what to tell you. I haven't even had to break out my snow blower yet this year.. And this is OHIO! Last year we had 18 inches of snow at one time. But we aren't out of the woods yet, We could still have some bad stuff heading our way. I hope it gets better for you.
Not much time left in the weekend, better get started!

Sounds reasonable to me.

The problem is: Will you know early enough that he is going to make it home to have time to make the bread??

I don't flip (though years ago I did, sometimes it got messy). Bob's "rolled" works, especially if you are doing the 3 egger. 3 would be too much egg for my method, it wouldn't cook all the way.

I use an 8" pan, I add some milk to the scrambled egg. One thing I learned watching the "pros" at restaurants is to lift the edges and let the still liquid egg run underneath. Do this in several places. Garlic powder and tarragon go on now as well. Once it starts to set a bit I put the cheese on one half then add the other stuff, often sauteed separately on the cheese. For DW and me that would be some ham, spinach and maybe some scallion (we are not mushroom people). When the whole thing has set enough I fold the non "additions" covered half over the covered half using a thin wooden spatula (a regular one is too wide in the 8" pan). Let that cook for a bit and it is ready though sometimes I'll use a regular size spatula to flip it in the pan and heat up the "top" side for a bit.

I saw a YouTube video of a guy that does a lot with cast iron pans. One thing that was odd to me was he said starting with fatty foods after first accomplishing the seasoning is fine but he uses potatoes. For some reason the starch works. I often have meat stick to a reasonably well seasoned cast iron pan. I've also found that butter is superior to oils for keeping things like eggs from sticking.

Phew! Why was she butt dialing at that time of night?

Our cats won't eat eggs, not sure why.

LOVELY to see Bella being a real dog :D

Shhhhh! It is only Feb 2nd, plenty of time for the winter weather gods to hear that and decide to slap us down ;)
;). Right ! Duuuh :rolleyes:What was I thinking. Tell the gods to listen to the ground hogs.:gig
Hi DMC! It's the flipping thing that gets me every time. I'll give it a try in a bit and see what happens, maybe I'm just not letting the egg stuff set up long enough. If all else fails, I'll have scrambled eggs anyway!
Don't add milk to the eggs, the pan and butter should be good and hot before you pour in the eggs.

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