The NFC B-Day Chat Thread

Good morning everyone! We got our son & his family moved out of their house & settled, well for the next month or so...hopefully they will find an apartment soon where they can have their cats & dog!
Now, I'm going to kick back & read through almost 20 pages of what's been happening with you all this past week. 💞

Nice to have you back Rene!
Hi everyone - can you believe it's another weekend!?

We finally got ourselves organised and dealt with our awful drake. It's so much more peaceful without him. The little duck hen who was being awful to DS has been given a bit of grace. We'll see what she's like without the drake around before making a decision there. She's been ok recently, so we'll see.

One of our new ducks has laid 5 eggs so far so I've been putting them in the incubator. 2 have development. 1 is small so I'm not sure that it's going to grow, and the last 2 haven't been in long enough. They'll be fertile from their previous home, not from our drake. He'd got to her yesterday (her back was muddy) so I won't incubate any more, and I think 4-5 is going to be plenty for our little bantam (provided she stays broody). :fl Now I can save some to bake a cake.

Enjoy your weekends. We are getting hit with wind and rain tomorrow then the temperature will drop. The South Island is baring the brunt of the "weather-bomb" as they are calling it. We've had the tropical air being pulled down by a serious low out to the east of NZ, then it'll draw some freezing air straight off Antarctica up onto the country. I wouldn't want to be down south. 🥶
Hi Jae...I hope that you have a good hatch!
Stay warm! 🧣

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