The NFC B-Day Chat Thread

We just stomp around, sister-in-law and I walked the perimeter of the property over hill, dale, fallen trees. DW's hip bursa is bothering her so she didn't go. I did once have to don the shoes to get down to the barn one year when we had 18" of snow. I could have shoveled it all but too much work ;)

I have, in the past, taken the garden tractor snow blower down between the barns but I have to make a cul-de-sac behind the barns to get back out. That isn't a whole lot of fun, lots of little back and forths. As soon as the front wheels hit any amount of snow the GT gets stuck so no arcs possible. The GT won't back up a hill for its life in the snow even with chains on the rear wheels and an extra 100 pounds on the rear.
Good morning Marie :)
January for me & mine has started off on the wrong foot! My youngest decided to challenge us this week so, he was not able to participate in roller derby practice yesterday. Other than that, I am staying uplifted and happy :)

What about you?

Sucks you accidentally deleted the recipe. I dont like when that happens 😑
Roller derby? Back in the early 60's I'd go to the North Side Coliseum in Ft. Worth Texas to watch the wrestling matches. About once a month they'd break down the wrestling ring after the last event and have roller derby. I tell you them girls were every bit as tough as the guys.
I'm so annoyed with myself. I had a massive amount of mail to delete and this muffin recipe was in the mail I deleted :(

I will ask my flour supplier if they still have the recipe when I make my next order. Sorry Debs and Ron
Hi Marie!

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