The NFC B-Day Chat Thread

Good morning everyone :frow
Good morning Debby! 🙂
Good morning. :frow

On the way to a friend's house yesterday something relatively small and jet black crossed the road in front of me. Not certain whether it was a small black squirrel or a young mink. I've seen a few black squirrels here. Princeton NJ used to have a fairly large population of black squirrels.
Good morning Sour!
A couple of years ago, several warning lights were on in my car. My son opened the hood, and found acorns, nesting material, and a big bundle of chewed up wires. Squirrels can be very destructive.
We had mice do this to our car.
Good morning folks :frow

:frow Good morning Debby, have a great day

:frow Good morning Sour, have a great day

:frow Good morning Janie, have a great day
Good morning Bob!
Good morning everyone 😊 have a wonderful day

Good morning Debby 😊

Good morning Sour 😊

Good morning Janie 😊
Good morning Sue!

I hope you all have a great day! 💞
Good MOOrning Debby 🐮
Good morning. :frow

On the way to a friend's house yesterday something relatively small and jet black crossed the road in front of me. Not certain whether it was a small black squirrel or a young mink. I've seen a few black squirrels here. Princeton NJ used to have a fairly large population of black squirrels.
:frow good MOOrning Sour!
I would love to see a black squirrel!

How is your puppy doing these days? I bet she doesn't look much like a puppy anymore.
Thank you, Mad. We have fish in our big pond (lakette). We have some huge bass and catfish, and smaller perch. I doubt we will put any in there, but there will probably be minnows. We have a "frog pond" and it has a lot of minnows, though we didn’t put them there. I guess birds drop them.

I got bit by a "pet" squirrel when I was around 5. 😆 they can be mean. It went right through my fingernail. I enjoy them from a distance.
Good MOOrning Janie ☀️ Ouch! That sounds so painful!
A couple of years ago, several warning lights were on in my car. My son opened the hood, and found acorns, nesting material, and a big bundle of chewed up wires. Squirrels can be very destructive.
Wow! Invasive, destructive, and expensive 🤦‍♀️
Good morning folks :frow

:frow Good morning Debby, have a great day

:frow Good morning Sour, have a great day

:frow Good morning Janie, have a great day
Good morning! :frow
Good morning everyone 😊 have a wonderful day

Good morning Debby 😊

Good morning Sour 😊

Good morning Janie 😊
Good morning, hope you have an awesome day :)
Good MOOrning Debby 🐮

:frow good MOOrning Sour!
I would love to see a black squirrel!

How is your puppy doing these days? I bet she doesn't look much like a puppy anymore.

Good MOOrning Janie ☀️ Ouch! That sounds so painful!

Wow! Invasive, destructive, and expensive 🤦‍♀️

Good morning! :frow

Good morning, hope you have an awesome day :)
:frow Good morning Mad, have a great day
Good morning everyone, have a great day .
:frow Good morning Mark, have a great day

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