The object to your left is now your weapon of choice in the upcoming zombie apocalypse.What is it?

Another lonely Nerf bullet. Why do we have so many of these lying around the house?

YES!!! EVERYWHERE!!! I know. Orange foamy darts in every room, outside in the lawn where they get run over by the lawnmower, in the laundry, in drawers, closets and potted plants. And if I can't lay my eyes on an orange dart, I am sure to step on the round plastic pellets from Airsoft guns. At least they don't hurt as much as a Lego. Boys are total messes. Lovable, but total messes.
I guess that I'd be dead. The only thing to my left is a wall.
However, if I sit facing the opposite direction, then I have my dad's entire office at my disposal. Any zombies that try to come near will be decapitated by flying CDs!! Along with pens, pencils, staplers, computers, and other miscellaneous stuff! Lol
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