The object to your left is now your weapon of choice in the upcoming zombie apocalypse.What is it?

Do I have to save you all? Ok... :rolleyes:

Starr! Stuff the cookie in the zombie's mouth, he'll choke.

Frind! Poke that zombie in the eye with the pencil led.

Tiny! Barricade the door with the coach.

All good? You're welcome! :D
Do I have to save you all? Ok...

Starr! Stuff the cookie in the zombie's mouth, he'll choke.

Frind! Poke that zombie in the eye with the pencil led.

Tiny! Barricade the door with the coach.

All good? You're welcome!
well, thanks but the cookie is gone now lol

now I have paint brushes and paint...hmmm

throw paint to blind them and sharpen paintbrushes to use as small knives? ooh I also have my xacto knife :D

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