The Official SCARY STORIES Thread! Be prepared to be CREEPED OUT!

chupacabras feed on goats, not poultry.
This happened to me when I was younger, but I still remember it like it was yesterday. I still have nightmares, like every night about it.
I was outside, just playing, like little kids do. I heard a strange noise in the woods in our backyard. I, always curious, went investigating.
I came closer and closer to the sound, like a cross between a hiss, scratching on a tree and a howl. Ikr? Is that weird or what? I was in the woods now. Like in the middle. I see movement in the trees ahead of me, and I back away. Next thing I know, I'm on the ground, and my mom is leaning ov me, looking at my head. I vaguely remember like a dark black shape, me screaming, but that's it. I think his thing attacked me but it haunts me to this day that I don't know what it was. I was pretty injured in the head, big bruise, whatnot.
I had a nightmare that still haunts me when I go out to coop up the chickens at night........

it was dark and I couldn't really see, I was walking out to the chicken coop and I heard some hissing and scratching along the ground then for some reason I got down in a crouch with my hands extended and hiss/growl ripped out out of my mouth I could hear it charging me, then it takled me to ground and was biting at my hands and chest. it had to big sturdy paws like a dog but it was small and jet black. I played dead and it shuffled away.... I later relizied it was a baby wolf, but I'm still scared when I go out to lock up....
EE lover:) :

chupacabras feed on goats, not poultry.

thats what they say but they feed on poultry too chickens, rabbits, ducks, geese, quail, chickens, goats, sheep. anything they can suck the blood out of.​
chupacabras feed on goats, not poultry.

thats what they say but they feed on poultry too chickens, rabbits, ducks, geese, quail, chickens, goats, sheep. anything they can suck the blood out of.

not rabbits!!
chupacabras feed on goats, not poultry.

thats what they say but they feed on poultry too chickens, rabbits, ducks, geese, quail, chickens, goats, sheep. anything they can suck the blood out of.

Ah. That's very nice to know, thanks so much.
thats what they say but they feed on poultry too chickens, rabbits, ducks, geese, quail, chickens, goats, sheep. anything they can suck the blood out of.

Ah. That's very nice to know, thanks so much.

*runs around in a circle* vampire! vampire! vampire!
Once upon a time there was a girl named Jane. Nah, that's boring. Let's call her Natalie.
Where was I? Ah, yes. Once upon a time, there was a girl named Natalie who lived way out in the country and owned a flock of chickens.
One warm, cloudy day, Natalie was outside feeding her chickens some scratch, when she heard a car pull into the driveway. She found this to be odd, since both her mom and dad weren't expected home from work for a good one or two hours. She closed the coop, and ran inside her house, locking the door behind her. She went to her bedroom, where she had a full view of the driveway. Outside was a black Mazda. Natalie didn't recognize the car, nor the man in it. The man got out of the car and walked up to the house. He knocked. Of course, since Natalie was often home alone, she knew better than to answer the door. When he realized no one was home, he went back to his car. Natalie turned away to get a pencil and paper to write down his license plate number, when the phone rang. Natalie was allowed to use the phone, so she picked up. "Hello?" she said. A whispered voice on the other end said "Let me in. Open your door and let me in." Natalie said "Who is this!?", thinking it was some stupid boy from school playing a prank on her. "Look out the window" the voice said. Now, Natalie knew she shouldn't, but her curiosity got the better of her and she took a peek outside. "Theres nothing out there!" she said. "No," said the voice, "it's in here.". Natalie turned around and in the bedroom across the way from hers was the man, cellphone in hand. She screamed, ran to her door, locked it, and for good measure, dragged all of the moveable furniture in front of the door. She quickly dialed 911. No dial tone. She tried again. No luck. Then, the mans voice came through the receiver, saying "Ha! Don't even try to call the police! Your phone is disconnected!". Natalie ran to her window, flung it open, and jumped outside. She started running. Fast. She knew the closest neighbor was 5 miles away, but she ran anyway. At least she could get away from...from... him. She ran and ran and ran...until she ran out of breath. She collapsed on the ground, holding her side. She lay there, completely winded, when a car pulled up to a stop beside her. It was the mailman. Thank god! she thought. Someone who can help me! She dragged herself over to the car, up to the window, and inside was the man. Natalie screamed and blacked out. When she woke up, she was in a hospital. Beside her was her mom, dad and their regular mailman. Natalie asked why the mailman was there, and she was told he had happened to come across her lying in the road, and he had taken her to the hospital. "But, the man inside the car was not you, it was the man who came inside the house, wanting me!" Her mom and dad exchanged glances. Her mom said, slowly, "Natalie, sweetie, did you take your medications today?"

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