The Official SCARY STORIES Thread! Be prepared to be CREEPED OUT!

i agree, especially with that woman under the tree with three tentacles coming out of her.....

The children in the picture all went missing about one week after this picture was taken. They were never found again.

That's The Slender Man in the background, the man responsible for the heinous crime. He kidnaps small children, and steals 20 dollar bills. He has been known to target young adults, however. He will do anything from stealing a 20 dollar bill to standing over you watching you in the abyss of slumber, to kidnapping you and taking you to his bizarre world, to even just flat out impaling you with his tentacles. He also has no face.

Now. Are you coughing? Have you been coughing lately? Then he's targeted you.

T.T I happen to have exactly 5 20 dollar bills in my wallet and I am being affected by spring allergies (hacking my face off) You are an evil person
My Turn
This is to my knowledge, a true story

The Black Cock

There was once a little old lady who lived on a little old farm. Her daughter had recently moved out, and the little old lady was a little lonely. She got some little chickens to put on her little farm, and she loved them dearly. One day, she went out to feed her small flock, when she saw a peculiar thing. Inside her chicken pen, stood a pitch black Cock. It had a freaky elongated face, a long beak, And deep set black eyes. The lady was startled at the sight of such a fierce bird, but in her pity, took it in as her own. Two days later that little old lady was gone. Her house was just as it was left, but she had disappeared. And there stood the cock, just outside of the chicken pen.

There was a long investigation, but the lady was never found. All of her chickens where sent to a nearby animal shelter. The pretty little hens were all taken, only the black cock remained. There was only one employee working there tonight, making sure some of the newer animals, including the cock, would be ok. And of course, by morning, she was entirely gone. Nothing remained. Not even a hair. And there was the cock, watching from the shadows of a dog crate.

One policeman, a little freaked out by the appearence of the cock on both scenes, took the bird back to the station as 'evidence'. The other officers thought he was crazy, but they were a little weirded out by it as well. Tow days into the search, they still have no leads on the missing employee, but the cock is sitting in the station, resting in his crate. That night, the suspicious officer stayed overnight to watch the cock.

When the other officers returned the next morning, they were shocked at what they saw. The police officer was completely gone. His car still squatted in the parking lot though. His house was miles away. The crate Sat near the door of the station, but it was empty. The cock was gone. Only one black feather rested on the floor.

To this day, That black cock is still wandering around, waiting for an innocent farmer to take it in...
This is, to my knowledge, COMPLETELY MADE UP!!!

Mia and Mai.
I knew this girl. She seemed nice. My best friend. Before now anyway. Before now we were Mai and Mia, M&M, you name it. We were practically simese twins, but she had been distant before now. This was Mia, the girl I have known since Kindergarten. Now we were in high school, still all together as Mai and Mia. Sure, I had a good life, up until now. I always was the center of attention, but Mia always was the one who didn't seem to care. How wrong I was. Just goes to show that you can never judge a book by her cover. You are probably wondering what I am babbling about. Well, I'll tell you.

I woke up on this day, May 12th, 2000, to a dark room. No one seemed to be in this area, this room I awoke in. I couldn't move. Why couldn't I move? Now that you mention it, there's something gleaming red dripping from the ceiling... Oh god. Blood, everywhere. Why was I here? I looked around. Bodies. Everywhere. On the ground, under me, hanging from the ceiling, on the walls. And another girl just like me, unable to move, pretty. "Um, excuse me, Miss? What's your name? I'm Mai. Not a good position we're in, is it?" "Nah dip, Sherlock." "Look, I was just trying to be on good terms with my fellow capturee, excuse me for being human! God, you're just like Mia! I assume that you're also the one in the spotlight of your glamorous friend, doomed to resort to shoplifting and boring nights of being bored! I swear, no one I meet is decent anymore!" "Mai, shut up. Someone's coming." "What?" "Shut up!" She hissed to me. Sure enough, the door swung open. A light blinded us, letting us see exactly how much the capture-er had killed. I choked back a scream. Much more than I thought.

I is gunna continue later, gotta leave a cliffhanger!
EE lover:) :

This is, to my knowledge, COMPLETELY MADE UP!!!

Mia and Mai.
I knew this girl. She seemed nice. My best friend. Before now anyway. Before now we were Mai and Mia, M&M, you name it. We were practically simese twins, but she had been distant before now. This was Mia, the girl I have known since Kindergarten. Now we were in high school, still all together as Mai and Mia. Sure, I had a good life, up until now. I always was the center of attention, but Mia always was the one who didn't seem to care. How wrong I was. Just goes to show that you can never judge a book by her cover. You are probably wondering what I am babbling about. Well, I'll tell you.

I woke up on this day, May 12th, 2000, to a dark room. No one seemed to be in this area, this room I awoke in. I couldn't move. Why couldn't I move? Now that you mention it, there's something gleaming red dripping from the ceiling... Oh god. Blood, everywhere. Why was I here? I looked around. Bodies. Everywhere. On the ground, under me, hanging from the ceiling, on the walls. And another girl just like me, unable to move, pretty. "Um, excuse me, Miss? What's your name? I'm Mai. Not a good position we're in, is it?" "Nah dip, Sherlock." "Look, I was just trying to be on good terms with my fellow capturee, excuse me for being human! God, you're just like Mia! I assume that you're also the one in the spotlight of your glamorous friend, doomed to resort to shoplifting and boring nights of being bored! I swear, no one I meet is decent anymore!" "Mai, shut up. Someone's coming." "What?" "Shut up!" She hissed to me. Sure enough, the door swung open. A light blinded us, letting us see exactly how much the capture-er had killed. I choked back a scream. Much more than I thought.

I is gunna continue later, gotta leave a cliffhanger!

I gasped. Standing in the doorway was Mia. Wearing a completely black outfit to match her black hair. "Um, Miss, that's the Mia I was ranting about." I gulped. "Mia? Why? Why am I here and how did you render me immobile? What did I ever do to you?" "You were born. You always act like everything is sooo PERFECT! Well guess what, Mai, you have NO IDEA what it's like when you bring home all A's and your parents are all shmoozing over your BEST FRIEND! NO ONE CARES ABOUT ME! I see you and Lillia have aquainted. Just perfect. Both of you can die along each other's side! Just! Like! WE! were supposed to! We were going to have such a PERFECT LIFE! together! And you just have to come along and ruin it! The first guy I ever like, and you just HAVE to be the one he sees! Mai. I. HATE. YOU!!! RUIN MY PLANS, ALWAYS BE FASTER THAN ME, AND STRONGER, AND MAYBE EVEN A LITTLE WISER, TOO! AT FIRST I CONSIDERED SUICIDE, BUT THEN I THOUGHT ABOUT HOW PERFECT IT WOULD BE TO KILL YOU!!!! And YOU!" she turned to Lillia, "YOU ALWAYS HAD TO BE THE ONE THAT MAI TALKED ABOUT! NEVER MIA, ONLY LILLIA!!!!! NO! BODY! CARES! ABOUT! YOU!" With each word, she slashed closer and closer to Lillia. I suddenly felt the ability to move. I kicked away Mia's knife. "Lillia! Run!" She didn't turn back, but I could hear her say to me, "Thank you, god bless you, Mai. If I could help, I would. I'll be back soon." Mia turned to me. "WHY DO YOU HAVE TO INTERFERE! I HATE YOU SO MUCH!!!" She raised the knife above her head, grazing the body of a girl that was popular until she disappeared. The knife... I remember it.
That knife, once a shining beacon of Mia's culinary success, was now filthy. Rusted, blood-encrusted. "Mia. Wait. Can I say a few things?" She kept the knife in her grip, but allowed me to speak. "Mia. Remember when we both got knives like that one once was? Our parents trusted us enough for us to own them in fifth grade. Remember the times we had? I just wanted to say... I'm going to miss you, Mia. Never forget me, okay? Go ahead and kill me now. I can now accept my death for what it is. Death. Remember Mai, please, Mia..." I closed my eyes for the final time as she raised the knife back up and dropped it. I choked out one last word as she sliced desperately at my throat. "Mia..."

A few weeks after Mai was killed, her family found the room. They saw her body, and they saw the scars from Mia's cutting. In a scratchy knife-writing, she had printed, M&M, together forever. In the next room over, the body of a high school student with black hair and a completely black outfit to match. ON her stomach is sliced, M&M, together forever.
I actually didn't think it was that creepy, this will sound weird, but I thought it was kinda sweet, she just wanted them to be friends and die together and in the end they did
ember.opal :

I actually didn't think it was that creepy, this will sound weird, but I thought it was kinda sweet, she just wanted them to be friends and die together and in the end they did

Yes, I thought it was kinda sweet, too, but it was still creepy!

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