The Official SCARY STORIES Thread! Be prepared to be CREEPED OUT!

Let's see; I think I might have the next installment!!! O yeah, I also recently found out that my muse is also a video muse. :hmm weird huh?

At age five, Faith had already tortured her classmates in preschool enough; they seemed fine enough with it.

To her. Faith knew that she was scary. Faith and Faith's Smile loved the fear they were getting. As soon as Faith learned to read, she started reading
The Prince.

She found the theories in the book very true, and proceeded to take notes on Macchiavelli's work, making sure that she knew what she was writing.

The teachers praised her for being intelligent; Faith simply nodded, then fantasized hurting them.

Because pain treated her well.

I've got a freaky story and it's true. One night an about 10 yr old girl wakes up to a freezing cold room. She happens to look over to the vanity mirror in her room. There is a life sized black panther on it. She hides under the blankets and counts to 10. Looks back to see if it left (just like your folks always tell you too) The panther is still there. It turns it's head stares at her and jumps off the mirror. Softly as a ghost it pads out of the room. She gets outta bed thinking my folks are at the end of the hall. There is nothing in the hall. Truely terrified at this point she dives into bed. Yet for years to come she would wake up to what appeared to be claw marks every so often on her body. (Even with the water bed she recieved as a teenager with no puncture problems)

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