The Official SCARY STORIES Thread! Be prepared to be CREEPED OUT!

AND it's unfinished!
Okay, this is the entire thing from start to finish:

June 3rd, 1999

A baby lies in its wake. The parents stand over its crib, thinking of a name for her. "This baby girl, we must name her by the end of this dawn. I believe that we shall call her... Faith?" The woman standing beside of the man that said this, the baby's father, gasped. "But Joe... we musn't...!" The woman, the child's mother, protests. But it is decided. The child is now christened... Faith.

June 4th, 2012

A single figure looms over the desolate landscape. Long black hair, down her back, flows behind her. If it weren't for the blood spatter gleaming all over her, she very well would look like an innocent teenager. But she isn't, and never was. She is Faith. She looks at the death she has caused, and smiles. She recalls the moments in her life that made her love her life so much.

At age three, a little girl with black hair sits. She sees the people, trying to make everyone happy, busying around as if their lives are important. But Faith knows better. They try to get her to play with the other children, and she blatantly refuses. She says the first word that ever escaped from her lips, 'Death'. She smiles at this development, ready for anything. Her smile knows better than to be a happy smile. Her smile was Faith's smile.

And Faith and her smile continued to sit there, scaring off anyone and everyone who dared to come close enough to see.

At age five, Faith had already tortured her classmates in preschool enough; they seemed fine enough with it. To her. Faith knew that she was scary. Faith and Faith's Smile loved the fear they were getting. As soon as Faith learned to read, she started reading The Prince. She found the theories in the book very true, and proceeded to take notes on Macchiavelli's work, making sure that she knew what she was writing. The teachers praised her for being intelligent; Faith simply nodded, then fantasized hurting them.

Because pain treated her well.

At age ten, Faith was at the top of the school. Special privileges, she'd skipped a grade when she didn't like the teacher, so now she was a middle schooler, and she had simply looked at the eighth graders and walked straight to the top. She would go into the library and be as loud as she wanted(but she didn't want to be loud anyway) and the librarian wouldn't even look up. She'd walk up to the vending machine and take out a random kid's wallet to buy some candy. Faith could do whatever she wanted, just as long as that was what she wanted.

And she wouldn't have it any other way.

At age eleven, a substitute teacher who apparently 'didn't get the memo' that Faith ruled the school, the town, and soon would proceed to rule the world, and tried to make the child the 'sweet little girl she is inside'. That teacher was never seen again. Rumor has it she was the first victim of the dreaded Faith.

Certainly not the last.

At age twelve, hormones took over. New arrivals to the town had one child, and just about the hottest guy Faith would ever see. Hot enough to restore Faith's faith in humanity. Faith immediatly took a liking to him, too. The inhabitants of Faithtown had seen it all. But this boy, he was different. Faith didn't understand. His name was Gilig, which wasn't the weirdest thing about him. Faith did not think that was weird at all, for one. Everything was annoying or weird or stupid or just plain SOMEONE ELSE. She loved him.

And so she decided that only two people would survive her. Her and Gilig. Gilig and her.

She was in love.

Then, on her thirteenth birthday, she found out that Gilig liked someone else. Then Faith found through her sources that her mother was pregnant.

She lost her faith in humanity.

And the whole of humanity would pay.

First went her soon-to-be sibling. She went into her mother's room in the night and dragged her to get the baby aborted.

Then went her father. She killed him while the doctors killed off the baby for her.

Then her mother. As soon as the doctors finished their work, Faith took her out back and slit her throat.

Then, the one she would've killed first if she wasn't aiming for convienience. Gilig. She took him apart part by part, however. First she sliced off all of his hair. His beautiful sandy blond hair.

Then she stabbed him seventeen times. One for Anger. One for Hurt. One for Heartbreak. One for Betrayal. One for his face, tantalizing her into loving him. One for Unreciprocated Love. One for Herself. One for his eyes. One for his hair. One for his arms. One for his legs. One for moving where she could meet him. One for her own hormones. One for the his blood. One for his skin. One for her finding out on her birthday. One for everything else. And finally, one long slash across his chest to represent the final reason she hated him.

One slash for making her feel. The biggest blow of all.

"Nezt time, don't say no. And if you like someone else, don't like them anymore." Then she set off to the house of one of the girls she knew. "Where is she?" She demanded. "Where is Amanda?"

"Amanda is upstairs..." the girl said. Faith hardly recognized her as Danilee.

"Good job Danilee. For this, your death will be quick and painless. If I feel like it still." Faith looked thoughtful. "Nah, you'll still die slowly." She said and pulled out the knife. She stabbed Danilee and walked up the staircase to find Amanda in her room, trying to lock the doors. "Eavesdropping, eh, traitor? You'll die even worse than HE did. And she proceeded to kill him in such a way that if the author posts it, she will probably get banned, so she will not detail.

Faith then moved on to the rest of the town. Each one went down before dawn. But Amanda and Danilee died slowly, they died last, though they were some of the first to be attacked.

As the sun rose, she finished piling up the last of the bodies and put her foot on HIS head. And Faith stared out at the desolate landscape, smiling Faith's Smile. She was going to love it when she reached the rest of the country.

She would be the last to die.

And she thought to herself: 'I am Faith. I am 2012.'

And she knew it.

She would be Faith, the last to die.
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Chaya stared wide eyed at the place her best friends told her to come to. It was a rather decrepit place, with rusted metal sheets lain all across the worn down concrete the building stood on. The building itself was nothing more than a few large, oddly pristine metal sheets standing up with a black roof covered with all sorts of bird... matter. Not a single person was in sight, and the workyard that it stood in was eerily quiet at this section. Chaya stared down at the worn piece of scrap paper, her brown hair blowing wildly in a sudden chilly breeze.

"Chaya, Chaya!" Mion's shrill voice shouted as she bounded across the school hall to see the brunette. "Hey, Rena and Shion and I wanna show you somethin' cool! Come here." The green haired girl thrust a piece of paper at Chaya's face, dropping it in her hands as she bounded back to two girls. One of them had red hair, and was rather short. Her blue eyes seemed rather sad as they stared at Chaya as she read the note. The other girl also had green hair, but she was incredibly tall and seemed excited, her feet raising themselves up and down and her arms waving. Mion reached the two, and waved at Chaya as she ran off with her two friends.

"You better be there!" Rena, the redhead shouted, cupping her hands around her mouth.

"Why would they want me here...?" Chaya wondered aloud, her crisp green eyes staring at the rusted down shack. "One way to find out." She stepped carefully over the rusted sheets, her black shoes making little click and clack noises upon the ground. She cautiously moved herself over, and opened a door at the side of the building. A sudden gust caused her to gasp as she darted into the building and slammed the door behind her. The door made an ominous click, which caused Chaya to jump.

She looked around at the interior, or what could be seen of it anyway. If it wasn't covered in inky blackness, then it was rusted and decrepit. A few bolts, oddly shiny, were strewn about. Chaya stretched her arm out in the darkness, and upon hitting something with the back of her hand, gasped quietly and felt the object. It was rather warm, and fleshy too, and as she felt up the object, she hit fabric.

"W-Who's there?" She screeched, pulling her arm back as if she just touched a pan fresh from the oven.

The person began to laugh a bloodcurdling laugh that echoed around the building, causing Chaya's hair to stand up. Chaya walked back, her left hand stretched behind her searching for the doorknob, but a hand reached out for her shoulder and gripped it.

"Don't you know me, dearest Chaya?" A familiar shrill voice whispered, as a metallic 'swish' was heard too close to Chaya.

Part 2 later, if you liked this.

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