The Official SCARY STORIES Thread! Be prepared to be CREEPED OUT!

??? Those heartbeats are rather calming...

Do you happen to have something that will scare an near-unscareable person (me)?

Ok, I read this article online last year. It was about this person who thouroughly enjoyed scary movies, stories everything. But they themselves were virtually unscarable. Well one night, they were surfing the web and found a website regarding paranormal activity, aliens, ghosts everything. There was forum...not unlike this one. The person logged on and found all the stories quite intriguing. The person mentioned on the forum that they very little scared them...simply interested them. That night when she tried to turn her computer off it started flashing blue over and over. Then it went black. She was worried that her computer crashed or she had a virus. She decided it was too late to mess with it and went to bed. Later that night she woke up to the sound of footsteps in the kitchen. She went to check and no one was there. She thought she had been dreaming so she went back to sleep. The very next day she woke up late for work because all her alarms were unplugged. Alarmed, she called her friend and had him check the whole house. No one was there. She changed her locks on her doors and had her friend stay the night. Nothing happened. So, she just went on with her life. A few days later, she got back on the computer and to her surprise it worked fine. She logged back onto the forum and discovered that some other people from that site had also experienced the blue flashing computer and some odd things. One person mentioned that they awoke to all their kitchen appliances had been turned on...even the ones that had been unplugged. Another person found that all their food had been emptied out of the fridge and placed on the floor. All the events were fairly benign and had happened on the same night but nothing since. A few weeks later, she awoke to her computer frantically flashing red. Admittedly at that point, she was pretty terrified. She ran to the cord and unplugged it...but it kept flashing. Terrified she ran out of the room...only to realize that it was a laptop and was fully charged. So she sheepishly walked back in and shut it. She tried to convince herself that it was fine, but still grabbed her cat and slept on the couch with it. In the light of the day, she felt very silly. She went back to her room...opened the computer and written in blood on her screen was the words LOOK BEHIND YOU.

And she did.

But nothing was there. However needless to say she was pretty scared. She called the police, but the police told her it was a prank. She called her friend and told him everything. She told him that people on the forum had mentioned that strange stuff had happened to them too. He came over and they wiped her computer off and they logged onto the forum. There was a new post that was titled MY HUSBAND IS DEAD BECAUSE OF YOU and had over 1000 posts on it and it had been posted JUST that morning. The girl clicked onto that post, and one of the regulars' wife had posted under her husbands account. "Since my husband joined this forum, strange things have happened to us. I begged him to stop, but he cared more about what you people say than I. He's become obsessed. Our computer started doing weird things. He says its the dead communicating with us. He is a psychologist and has recently found a way to hypnotise people through light patterns. He says he taught the dead how to do it and It travels through this site. Its like a virus. Well, last night I saw the most horrific thing I've seen. He wrote on his own screen in his own blood from a cut he made in his said look behind you. I screamed what are you doing? He turned and his pupils were pulsating. Then he took two pens, gouged his eyes out and screamed to me that the lights won't stop. They wanted him to kill her. He loved her and wouldn't do it and then he begged her to let the others know. She had to warn the others. Then he pulled a knife from behind his pillow and slit his throat." It terrified the girl. She lifted her skirt and sure enough...there was a cut on thigh. Her friend looked at her and her pupils were pulsating. He said there was a gutteral scream as she pulled a knife out of the coffee table drawer. She stabbed him in the throat, the chest twice, the thigh once...before he could subdue her. In his interview he said, "it was like she was possessed. Her tiny 5'1" frame threw him around like he weighed nothing." He said that although he was bleeding profusely she missed anything vital. After he subdued her, she quit fighting and her pupils quit pulsating. She said to him..I'm so scared. Right before she died from a massive anhuerism, she whispered to him they're coming for me...AND FOR ANYONE ESLE WHO'S ON A COMPUTER READING THIS. LOOK BEHIND YOU!

So I did....

And there was my over-sized boxer, staring at me with his tongue hanging out.
Ugly, but not that scary.
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Ok, I read this article online last year. It was about this person who thouroughly enjoyed scary movies, stories everything. But they themselves were virtually unscarable. Well one night, they were surfing the web and found a website regarding paranormal activity, aliens, ghosts everything. There was forum...not unlike this one. The person logged on and found all the stories quite intriguing. The person mentioned on the forum that they very little scared them...simply interested them. That night when she tried to turn her computer off it started flashing blue over and over. Then it went black. She was worried that her computer crashed or she had a virus. She decided it was too late to mess with it and went to bed. Later that night she woke up to the sound of footsteps in the kitchen. She went to check and no one was there. She thought she had been dreaming so she went back to sleep. The very next day she woke up late for work because all her alarms were unplugged. Alarmed, she called her friend and had him check the whole house. No one was there. She changed her locks on her doors and had her friend stay the night. Nothing happened. So, she just went on with her life. A few days later, she got back on the computer and to her surprise it worked fine. She logged back onto the forum and discovered that some other people from that site had also experienced the blue flashing computer and some odd things. One person mentioned that they awoke to all their kitchen appliances had been turned on...even the ones that had been unplugged. Another person found that all their food had been emptied out of the fridge and placed on the floor. All the events were fairly benign and had happened on the same night but nothing since. A few weeks later, she awoke to her computer frantically flashing red. Admittedly at that point, she was pretty terrified. She ran to the cord and unplugged it...but it kept flashing. Terrified she ran out of the room...only to realize that it was a laptop and was fully charged. So she sheepishly walked back in and shut it. She tried to convince herself that it was fine, but still grabbed her cat and slept on the couch with it. In the light of the day, she felt very silly. She went back to her room...opened the computer and written in blood on her screen was the words LOOK BEHIND YOU.

And she did.

But nothing was there. However needless to say she was pretty scared. She called the police, but the police told her it was a prank. She called her friend and told him everything. She told him that people on the forum had mentioned that strange stuff had happened to them too. He came over and they wiped her computer off and they logged onto the forum. There was a new post that was titled MY HUSBAND IS DEAD BECAUSE OF YOU and had over 1000 posts on it and it had been posted JUST that morning. The girl clicked onto that post, and one of the regulars' wife had posted under her husbands account. "Since my husband joined this forum, strange things have happened to us. I begged him to stop, but he cared more about what you people say than I. He's become obsessed. Our computer started doing weird things. He says its the dead communicating with us. He is a psychologist and has recently found a way to hypnotise people through light patterns. He says he taught the dead how to do it and It travels through this site. Its like a virus. Well, last night I saw the most horrific thing I've seen. He wrote on his own screen in his own blood from a cut he made in his said look behind you. I screamed what are you doing? He turned and his pupils were pulsating. Then he took two pens, gouged his eyes out and screamed to me that the lights won't stop. They wanted him to kill her. He loved her and wouldn't do it and then he begged her to let the others know. She had to warn the others. Then he pulled a knife from behind his pillow and slit his throat." It terrified the girl. She lifted her skirt and sure enough...there was a cut on thigh. Her friend looked at her and her pupils were pulsating. He said there was a gutteral scream as she pulled a knife out of the coffee table drawer. She stabbed him in the throat, the chest twice, the thigh once...before he could subdue her. In his interview he said, "it was like she was possessed. Her tiny 5'1" frame threw him around like he weighed nothing." He said that although he was bleeding profusely she missed anything vital. After he subdued her, she quit fighting and her pupils quit pulsating. She said to him..I'm so scared. Right before she died from a massive anhuerism, she whispered to him they're coming for me...AND FOR ANYONE ESLE WHO'S ON A COMPUTER READING THIS. LOOK BEHIND YOU!

So I did....

And there was my over-sized boxer, staring at me with his tongue hanging out.
Ugly, but not that scary.

And i didn't. So everything's fine.
I didn't look behind me. I'm still here. Pretty good story, though! It's just that I've built up an immunity to those 'LOOK BEHIND YOU' stories.
On a warm fall evening a young boy was hurrying home. He had been visiting a friend, lost track of the time and stayed longer than intended. The night was just cool enough that he would feel an occasional chill creep up his spine and fog was starting to form in the low lying area.

The moon was full and its glow cast long shadows across his footpath. Quickening his step, not wanting his mother upset that he broke his curfew he made an ominous decision. If he were to cut through the cemetery he would be able to get home in time and avoid a lecture.

Taking a deep breath he passed through the gates and started the sinuous trek. Passing markers and tombstones a breathlike sensation of air caused the hairs on his neck to stiffen. When a cloud drifted across the moon's face plunged his footfall into darkness he thought he heard someone call his name. No way. I'm just letting the light and wind play tricks with my mind. Nothing can hurt me here. It's no different than walking down an city street. Still he quickened his pace.

As the clouds cleared and his courage returned the foolishness of his thoughts seemed apparent. Then he heard it again. He was certain that he clearly heard someone call his name. As plain as day he was positive that someone called out "Mark, Mark". He stride lengthened and his step quickened as he passed the marble monuments to lost souls. The feeling that the tombstones were towering over built when the sound reached him anew; much clearer, much louder. "Mark Mark".

Fully convinced that he had heard his name, "Mark, Mark, Mark" he broken into a run intuitively knowing if he could reach the gate at the far side he would be safe. "Mark, Mark" and at that moment a cloud once again blocked the moonlight and his terror became complete.

The sound of his tennis shoes on the asphalt pathway echoed though the aisles of stone. "Mark, Mark", it greww louder and he knew his only option was to make that distant gate. "Mark, Mark, Mark".

His heart pounded and his chest felt almost to small to contain it. He race forward. "Mark, Mark". Louder, louder it called "Mark, Mark, Mark".

There, mere yards in front of him lie the gate. He was almost there. Could he make it? Then, suddenly, just as he reached the gate, the moonlight reappeared and there the source of his fear stood. A little dog with a speech impediment.

Moral- Things are always what they seem.
the cows were weird but ohhh so funny!! I love imagination!!! The video after that titled Meow Mix had me laughing so hard that I was crying. Only because my 2 dogs couldn't find the kitty on my lap!! And my dogs' cat started growling.

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