The Official SCARY STORIES Thread! Be prepared to be CREEPED OUT!

Those are some creepy stories! My dad's friend was remodeling his living room and texted my dad a pic of it. That surprised him, for two reasons. 1) That particular friend didn't seem tech savvy enough to even know how to take a pic on a phone, and 2) There was a see-through girl in the left part of the pic. It couldn't have been photo shopped, etc because that friend doesnt know anything about technology. It was an apparation of a girl in pure white with pale skin and dark eyes. She had log, black hair with bangs. SHe didn't ppear to have arms, although there were bumps in the white v-neck dress she was wearing, that looked like arms. SHe had no feet.
Blu. A color, yet a deadly gun. An emotion, but still a girl who is now training to fight for her life. But still just another color.

Blu didn't ask to be Blu. She didn't even like the color blue! Well, at least not best. She preferred red.

And speaking of red...

Red. Color, and weapon. Anger, and love. Pretty, but not Blu.

It was no secret that Red was in love with Blu, but she didn't reciprocate. She didn't show any emotion at any time, at least when Red saw her. Red did remember that one time, when he had gotten Blu to talk...

"I want a gun." All she had said was enough. He went out to the one place he could trust, and ordered a gun. He didn't quite know why. He asked for it to be engraved 'Red', after himself. But that didn't mean that she would know it was from him. She would just see it, then smile her lifeless, emotionless smile reserved for a special occasion.

And Red knew that. But that didn't mean he wouldn't try.

Blu stood staring for the longest time. She couldn't fathom who had sent the gun. Perhaps a premonition? She knew not. But she practiced with it. Every day. And she decided to repay the one she believed was the sender. She went and ordered him a gun, engraved with just three letter: B. L. U.

And Red one day would grow as attached to his gun as she was with her gun. But it would kill him one day. And her.

Blu remembered a time when she had emotions other than hatred. When her smile was full of life. But she couldn't have that anymore.

Blu could no longer live an easy life, no longer have a smile that could light up her whole face.

Often Blu would contemplate random things. They were deep thoughts, not that anyone knew. She never told anyone.

It was like: How come a color can mean so much? It can be a name, and it can mean the most wonderful things, the things that made Blu less emotionless and smile an emotionless smile.

But still be just another color.

So Blu would contemplate, and Red would watch her thinking in a soft light. Blu didn't like bright lights.

One day, in Blu's contemplation, she let her mind wander. Silently and not even realizing it, she put her hands in her jacket's deep pockets and felt the cool surface of her gun, which she had taken to taking with her wherever she went.

Then, she smiled. Not her smile that was emotionless, one that almost made Red scream out, "WHAT THE FIRETRUCK!! EMOTIONS!", but he held his tongue.

Blu's smile was back. Her real smile, with happiness and lighting up her face and whatnot. Then, just as suddenly as it came, it was gone. She realized it, too. Because she had just realized how little she knew about
herself. All she knew was what she liked.

The color red.
Small, enclosed spaces.
Short, black skirts.
Small, black shirts.
Her gun.

Red didn't quite know how he was supposed to cope with this battle. He trained anyway, though. He didn't really know what Blu had been through on that fateful day when she came back to school. Or what happened to make her leave. But he remembered it well.

"Class, you remember Blu from middle school, correct?" Every kid who had gone to her school two years ago nodded. "Well, Blu's coming back to school tomorrow. She will be in this homeroom. Would anyone like to show her around since she hasn't seen the school before? Any volunteers?" Red jumped up. He remembered every detail about Blu. Everything there was to know.

The next day, he saw Blu for the first time in several years. She looked different. It was like... well, like she was dead. She had blonde hair falling into her face from a bandanna, and she wore all black. Her eyes were a very intense violet. Not what Red remembered. He remembered deep, intense,
blue eyes. "Hello, Blu! It's been a while!" Red said enthusiastically. She didn't reply, but nodded. She let down her hair from the ponytail and turned to him. "Where is locker 239?" She whispered. Red had to get her to repeat it several times before he heard her. When he finally was able to hear it, he said, "Come on, I'll show you." and led her down the hall. "I'm in your class." She whispered to him. "Why are your eyes a different color?" "color contacts." she whispered. Blu always spoke in a whisper.
One day Red asked her what happened to her that made her just leave school. She looked at him, showing her first emotion, sadness, mixed with a sudden hatred.

That day Blu ran out of class, and hasn't spoken more than four words since.
good one!!!!
good one!!!!

Hey, welcome to BYC!

So, anyway... I remember reading about this story (Forget where I found it, sorry) where there was this mother who hired a babysitter for her kid. The kid went missing, and although the mother yelled at the babysitter for it and the police were hired, no one could find her. Two weeks later, the mother got an email from the babysitter. All that was in it was a picture of the child's beaten and mangled remains.
maybe the eyes still move is because the host is somehow still alive, creepy

This was probably the most terrifying one yet.

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