The Official SCARY STORIES Thread! Be prepared to be CREEPED OUT!

Heey! This thread is back!


I was sitting in my living room, I just walked in the door from school. My mom isn't home yet, but my dog is laying right beside me. I could've sworn I heard the downstairs doorknob turning and my dog barked. I was freaked out and I turned the TV on and started talking really loudly, just in case someone was here and I could scare them away. Well, there's no more noises, but my dog is still being wierd. EEP.
Was it like a real guy or was it like a ghost? Did you find him? Just curious.

Nope. I don't really know. All I remember was that his eyes were very blue and piercing and that he kinda held my gaze. I blinked, and he was gone.

Weird! lol
For those of you who didn't see it on GIF, one night we came home from church and we had t-posts that were connected to tarps over our chicken coops, the t-post got ripped out of he ground and thrown across the chicken coop and the pasture fence to the ground. Other tarps had been completely ripped in half. Some had no damage done at all. We were checking all our chickens when i heard an eerie crying sound come from the trees on the other side of the pasture, only a couple yards away. I said something to my parents, they hadn't heard it. A bit later, my mom heard it. She made my dad open all the chicken coops, but they were all fine. I shined my flashlight up in the trees but I didn't see anything. We didn't hear the sound again. And, my neighbor was mowing his dirt.

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