The Official SCARY STORIES Thread! Be prepared to be CREEPED OUT!

(Here it is! Hope you like!)

My Journal,
...Are you afraid of anything?
I am.
But it couldn't possibly be anything normal. Normal is too much.
I'm afraid of myself.
Looking in the mirror, I see me. But what I see's not scary until things flash.
But I'm fine.
I'll just sit here and scream.

My lock was on upside down this morning. After fiddling with the upside-down lock for a while, I managed to open it. Upon opening it... it was terrible. I saw everything how it shouldn't be. There were dark stains on the fabric of my brand-new jacket which I'd left in there, and every page in this book was stained as well. Even the cover was tarnished. On top of that, there was red... liquid going down the sides of the locker and as well on the wall. As I turned my head away, things began to flash between black and white. After a moment, the flashing stopped and things were back to normal. I put the stuff back in my locker and shut it. "Hey, Chi!" Nagi, a classmate said from behind me. I looked up at her. "Whoa... wait, why are you crying?" I blanched. I hadn't even known I'd started crying from it. "Blood... it was everywhere..." I whispered and reached up to wipe my eyes. No! I couldn't have started crying from that... but... if I see it again. I know next time I won't be as lucky. Someday it'll stick. I'll be stuck.

My Journal,
It happened again.
Another flash. I saw myself this time. Blood was running down my face.
My eyes were shot red on the white and pure yellow on the iris.
The pupils were red. My hair was tattered and matted, with stuff encrusted onto the longer strands.
My dress was black and torn.
And I had far more than two arms.

I went to class like nothing happened, ignoring Nagi. I sat down in my seat and stared down at the mirror sewn onto my bag. Things flashed again. I saw myself. Another tear dropped, and like the first time, it flashed back out. I noticed that a little blood was dripping from my now clenched fist. I un-clenched my fist and looked at it. My cross charm for my necklace was outlined by blood. I guess I must've been gripping it too hard. No duh, brain. Either way, the teacher came into the room. "Alright, class, we'll get started, if you'll please calm down..." The low roar of the classroom proceeded to get louder. I sighed. "Need any help, 'Teach?" I asked, standing up. "If you'll please." The teacher said gratefully. "Okay, today's my latest idea for a loud noise to grab their attention... hand me the mic and cover your ears, please." The teacher did so and I raised the mic to my mouth. With a sudden breath of air, I screeched into the microphone, creating a horrible high-pitched noise. It was intentional, of course, but... I flashed again. This time, I didn't come out.

"Hey, where's Chi? Wasn't she just here, screeching into the mic?" A random girl asked. But the microphone was laying on the floor, still regaining dome sense of balance from when Chi disappeared. "Chi!" Nagi shouted, obviously hoping for an answer. "Where did Ms. Blood go?" The teacher asked and looked around with panicked eyes. "Well... we appear to be missing our star student." "STAR?" Suzi, the class's perfectionist asked. "Well, yes. She asked me to not draw attention to her. I guess she wasn't expecting to diappear like this." "HOW COULD SHE BE BETTER THAN ME?" Suzi asked frantically. "We have to get her back and into her place! I won't stand for her to just... just LET me believe that!" "Well, I'm sure she'll return... eventually..." "With all due respect, 'Teach, Chi wouldn't come back to here if she was returned. She would go somewhere else." Everyone stared at Nagi. "How would you know? Doesn't she hate you?" One boy piped up. "Her Journal was laying on the floor. She hates this place."

Screaming, I moved back to the wall. Black everywhere. Blood everywhere else. "Calm down. You can't possibly be scared of your own mind, can you?" A voice said. "This... is NOT... my mind!" I screamed and kept backing against the wall. "Well you created us. Remember your nightmare drawings? Essentially, you designed us. Shall I explain it like a video game?" "Th-that'd be nice." "You are locked inside your mind. We don't know how, but when the flashes started we wanted you to stay. So here you are, in your mind you created. What will you do here? Can you get back? Will you ever be able to stop screaming? Probably not." "Nice trailer voice. But... proper introduction, please?" "Death." The voice from the shadows lurched forward, grabbing my face in both hands and making the blood disappear.

My Journal,
I'm afraid of life.

The classroom erupted into screams. Chi's bloody and battered body appeared out of nowhere and landed right where she had been standing. "Someone check her pulse!" "Is she breathing!?" "Yes, um... get the police, please.... there's been a death in the classroom." "I don't think she's got a pulse!" "Oh my god... she's dead!" "Breathe... please breathe..."

Deaths happen every day. But very rarely do they happen in our mind. So I guess this is goodbye, it was nice meeting you...
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I wasn't prepared for being creeped out.
I is scarded!
Okay, heres one.
Once a guy was driving home with his girlfriend in some woods. A deer ran in front of their car at the last second without giving them any time to stop. The guy walked out to see what damage had been done; it was a considerable amount. So he told his girlfriend to lock the doors and don't let anyone in until he came back. The auto store would've taken an hour to get to the store and back, but this guy could run pretty fast, so it would only take him about 30 minutes to get there and come back. So the girl turned up the radio before it stopped out of nowhere for an emergency announcement. The announcer said that a nut had escaped from the state mental hospital and if you see someone with jet black hair and a hockey mask wondering around to call the police. The girl was pretty scared, but decided to continue waiting. After about 2 hours of waiting, she heard a knock on the window. She turned around, thinking that it was her boyfriend. But it wasn't... It was a guy with jet black hair and a hockey mask. In one hand he had a knife, and in the other hand he had the car keys...
By Dapplepony

I walked over to the play ground, grinning evilly. Oops! Forgot to introduce myself. My name is Nate, but that doesn't matter. What does matter is that I'm not just a silly little kid.

When I got to the play ground I saw Billy standing on top of the gym. "Look at me! I'm gonna fly!" He said. Everyone turned to look at him. "Well, let's see it then." I said. Yeah, let's watch the fool kill himself while trying to fly. Billy looked taken aback at my response, but he gritted his teeth and jumped anyway. He didn't fly. He landed in a crumpled heap at the bottom of the gym. A teacher came over and picked him up, carrying him to the school nurse. Shane the play ground bully walked over to me. "When some wackadoodle is about to throw himself off the gym, you tell him to get down, you punk. You wouldn't know, though. 'Cause you're just some stupid, silly little kid." He spat at my feet and started to walk away. Before he could go two feet, I called him back. "I'm not just a kid, Shane." I said calmly. "I'm not even a silly little kid." I grinned, and he flinched. I let myself stare back into his scared eyes. "You should have called me Claws." With that I felt my fingers extending, my nails growing longer. He screamed and started to run. I followed, but I could run just as fast, and I soon caught up, tackling him to the ground. I raked my nails down his back, leaving four long, deep, red, marks. "I'm not just a kid, Shane. I'm a deadly kid." His eyes rolled back into his head. He was dead. I got up off him, then ran away into the woods.

I hope he learned his lesson.
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I wrote some true stories on here before, here's another. When we lived in Korea when I was a kid there was this old style home that had burnt down. It was quite large and the property was large too, so at some point must have been for someone rich and powerful. The old red tile roof was blackened where the flames had licked up the roof before the fire was put out. We lived in what the koreans thought was practically a mansion next to it. Our 3 story home overlooked this walled, blackened husk. My dad always warned us to stay away from there, because the structure was unstable. The korean kids would play a game and stand at the gate and then all would run in together and whoever would go the farthest would win. None ever made it to the house because they were all so afraid. One day one of the older kids taunted my sister and I, since we were half-breeds. They dared us to go inside. Well, my older sister being the insanely brave girl about these things wanted to go in, I just wanted to go with her. So, we went. Let me tell you...and this really is a true was one of the most surreal moments of our lives. I saw a beautiful room, with lovely blankets on the floor (koreans used to sleep on mats on the floor) and a floor table with the most delicous food setting on it. And around the table were these lovely korean women wearing the traditional korean dresses called han-boks. But it was weird, as if everything was a little shimmery. And nothing moved, like I was looking at picture frozen in time. But then it started to move and come to the women turned to look at me their faces started melting like wax. Then I heard two screams, myself and my sisters. At the same time. I don't remember leaving or running away. I remember sitting on the ground outside of the gate bawling my eyes out and out of breath and my sister being very pale. Did we see the same horrifying vision??? I'd like to tell you yes, how much scarier would that be...for a movie. This is a true story, so I think its actually scarier. She saw something completely different, yet very same. She saw the room just as I did...the bed in the same place, the table on the floor, all the little details that I remembered then but have forgotten after these 20 someodd years since. However, she did not see the gorgeous vibrant shimmering Instead she saw a dingy burned blanket, a table half burned that tipped over with rotten food coming out the bowls. There were no lovely ladies, there was an old crying woman on the bed with loooong gray also was frozen in time. Then suddenly, the woman turned to her and glared and her face started burning off and she began to stand up. That was when my sister screamed in unison with me. We told the kids what we saw and the older bully kid never bullied us again. I remember telling my dad about it and he didn't believe me but was sooooo ****** that we went in there. He couldn't stress enough how dangerous it was. When a new kid moved into the neighborhood...I guess he wanted everyone to like and respect him, he went inside by himself. We were on the roof of our house playing and my dad was with us when we heard a loud rumbling crash. A wall had fallen on the kid...he didn't die, but was hospitalized. I don't know what happened to him, or what he saw. I never wanted to know.

I know alot of stories here are fake...but ***? This crap really happened to me. Theres a norwich asylum thats closed down here a mile from my home...this place callllllls to me. It was on ghost hunters, and its 400 acres of the creepiest buildings and cemetarys and secret tunnels. The city of preston bought the property for $1...because norwich didn't want it. Google it. But, I'm not going, so no more real life scary stories
Not too long ago, there was a man named Joe Doralyn. He was an average man, drank coffee, went to work, blah blah blah. One day. he went to the bar and met a woman. They chatted for a while, but the woman wasn't that interested. Mr. Doralyn couldn't take a hint. He then proceeded to stalk her. One day, it went too far. The woman was getting scared. She went to work, fully knowing he would follow her. After work, he met her in the dark at her car. When he was going to hug her, she screamed and sprayed him in the face with pepper spray. Mr. Doralyn yelled, and the woman got in her car. Mr. Doralyn was rubbing his eyes, causing them to bleed. He couldn't see that he was going straight behind the car as it was backing up. The woman ran over his legs, and he couldn't move. As he was yelling, one of the woman's co workers came ut, and called 911. At the hospital, his legs were removed, and he was pronounced half- blind.
What happened next wasn't pretty.

Mr. Doralyn learned to live by himself. He was planning revenge on the woman. He knew where she lived;he memorized the directions. He let his nails grow, and sharpened them with a steak knife, so they were knives themselves.
But what Mr. Doralyn didn't know was that the woman had a family.

Jennifer Childry was scared for her life since that night. She always watched her back, wherever she went. She was scared for her children, as well. One night, however, she went on a business trip. Her husband let their two daughters have a sleepover in the backyard.

As the girls had fun on the dark night, they heard a noise all of a sudden. It sounded like click, click, sliiide. Click, click, sliiide. They began to get scared, and run inside. It was Mr. Doralyn! He slipped through the gate and climbed on the tent. He ripped it, and the few girls left inside, to shreds. The other girls, however, managed to get inside in time. Everyone ran to the basement. They locked the door. But they forgot to lock the one window in the basement. It was big enough for Mr. Doralyn to slip through and he fell to the floor. He dragged himself over to the family, who could not see anything. Mr. Doralyn, however, had the advantage of the moonlight shining through the window. The click click slide was muffled to a shuf, shuf, shurrrf. He ripped everyone to piles of blood and skin and clothes. He laughed, thinking he had killed the woman who broke his heart, and shuffled up the steps, a blood trail following him.
The next morning, Jennifer saw the trail leading out of her house. She walked catiously down the steps to the basement, and screamed in horror at the bloody pile. She couldn't handle it. She climbed the stairs, and took her own life with a butcher's knife.

(Not sure if that true or not hope it scared you LOL WUT!)

Its not that unusual for a young child to have an imaginary friend or two. Often times parents think it cute? A mischievous little friend a foot to take the blame for some minor wrong doings.

In fact there are parents' that will claim a good imagination is healthy,

but what happens when the child begins to be tormented by the imaginary friend? To the point that the child can't sleep the night through without the friend awaking them to play? What happens when the play becomes ruff and frightening to the child?

So it goes this is the story of Robert...

The story begins in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Otto, the year 1896. It was well known that the Otto's mistreated there servant's, and were not the kindest of people.

One particular servant, that aided in the care of the couples son "Robert Eugene" (Gene) was said to be versed in the ways of voodoo. As the story goes the servant gave young Gene a doll. The doll stood three feet tall, and was stuffed with straw. The servant gave the doll life like features, that at first were very endearing to young Gene.

Gene decided to name the doll Robert. The doll became a constant companion to the little boy. Its said that the Otto's often heard Gene upstairs talking to the doll. This in itself might not have been so bad? What unsettled and puzzled the Otto's was hearing their son answering himself in an entirely different voice
than his own?

Many Strange things began to occur in the Otto household. Frequently Neighbors' claimed to see Robert move about from window to window, when the family was out of the house. Gene began to blame Robert for mishaps that would occur. The Otto's claimed to hear the doll giggle, and swear they caught glimpses of the doll running about the house.

Gene began to have nightmare's, and scream out in the night. When his parents would respond to Gene's cries, they often found furniture over turned, and their child in a fright. As a rule they would find Robert the doll at the foot of their sons bed - with his glaring gaze on his face! With Gene shouting,"Robert Did It"....

The doll was eventually put up in the attic. Where he resided for many years.

When Gene's father died, and the Otto home was willed to Gene.
Gene decided that he and his new wife would move into his childhood home. He had become an artist in his adult life, and felt the larger home would provide him and his wife a spacious place to live, plus the large turret room on the second floor would make a great studio for his painting.

After moving back to his boyhood home It wasn't long before Gene discovered Robert in the attic. He promptly moved him down to the turret room. Robert's hold on Gene was strong, and from the moment Gene again laid eye's on him, Robert's influence could be felt in the house. Gene's wife found Robert very odd and unsettling. One day while Gene was out of the house she decided she had enough of Robert's glare...and returned him to his attic sanctuary.

When Gene returned home, and found that the doll had been moved, he was displeased. He declared that Robert needed a room of his own where he could see out of a window. He hurriedly returned Robert to the turret room. It wasn't long after that Gene's wife began to question her husbands sanity ?

The citizens' of Key West began to spread rumors about Robert and his evil doings. Many people told stories of seeing and hearing Robert the doll in the turret room as they walked by the home. They claimed that Robert would mock them as they passed... School children feared walking by the Otto home , in fear of Robert's mean glare from the window above.

Gene, himself reported when visiting the turret room on occasion he would find Robert in the rocking chair by the window rocking, and complaining of his displeasure with his accommodations...

Finally Gene himself had enough of Robert's antics, and put him back in the attic. Visitors to the Otto's home would often comment on hearing something walking back and forth in the attic, along with strange giggling sounds. Guests'' no longer wanted to visit the home.

Gene Otto died in 1972, and his wife sold the home promptly - leaving Robert the doll behind in the attic.

A new family now lived in the home, and the stories of Robert died down...

Robert waited patiently up in the attic to be discovered once again. The Ten year old daughter of the new owners was quick to find Robert in the attic, and added him to her other toy's in her bedroom. It was not long before Robert unleashed his displeasure on the child... The little girl began screaming out in the night,claiming that the doll moved about the room, and would climb on her bed and attack her as she tried to sleep. Even after more than thirty years later, she steadfastly claims that " the doll was alive and wanted to kill her."

Chloe had been home alone for over an hour. Her parents had gone out for dinner and it was getting late. After a while, Chloe called her parents asking when they were coming home. They said that they would be home in about half an hour. She decided she'd curl up on the couch and watch a scary movie.
Their television was placed in front of their window. It was snowing outside, so Chloe curled up with a blanket and some hot chocolate. After a while, she looked outside and saw a man standing outside with a knife. He had an evil grin to his face.
She immediately ran to grab the phone and ran to the bathroom and locked the door.
The police showed up after a few minutes and checked the inside and outside of the house. They saw nothing, not even footprints.
They decided that it had just been her imagination, and left.
Later, as Chloe walked past the couch she noticed something glint. It was a knife, hidden under the couch.
It had been a reflection.

there was a 15 year old girl who was spending the night alone for the first time while her parents were visiting friends. she had never spent the night nome alone before, so she was a little nervous, but she had her dog with her to keep her company. at around 10 o clock she went to bed. as she lay there in the dark she started getting this feeling of dread and fear, so she started petting her dog who was sleeping next to her bed. her dog licked her hand, which reassured her, and she went to sleep. in the middle of the night she woke up and heard a dripping sound from the bathroom. she figured it must be the sink, but she was too nervous to go turn it off in the dark so she decided to fix it in the morning. she once again had that feeling of dread, so she put her hand down and felt her dog licking her hand and she went back to sleep. the next morning she woke up feeling a little silly for being so afraid the morning before. she went into the bathroom to fix the faucet, turned on the lights, and screamed. hanging from the shower rack was her dog, killed and skinned, its blood dripping in a puddle below. horrified she grabbed her cell phone to call the police. only then did she notice that someone had written in blood on the wall "humans can lick too"
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