The Official SCARY STORIES Thread! Be prepared to be CREEPED OUT!

Some one already posted this but its the only story i could think of right now

One day a teenager was babysitting. She put the kids away, and went down stairs to watch TV until their parents came back. She was watching a movie when the phone rang, she picked it up and in a deep voice a man said,
"Have you checked the kids?"
"Who is this?" she asked not too scared thinking her friend was just trying to freak her out. Click, the sound of him hanging up. About an hour later..
"Have you checked the kids?"
"This isnt funny" she said angry. Click, the phone turning off. Again, an hour later..
"Have you checked the kids?"
"Im calling the cops" she said, by now she was freaking out. So thats what she did, call the cops
"This guy keeps calling and asking if I've checked the kids"
" 'Mam, get out of the house, NOW, the calls are coming from upstairs!" The 911 registirer said, but the girl didn't listen. She ran upstairs and found the kids, dead. She freaked out and ran outside. Years later she still has nightmares. But one day her and her husband decide to got out to dinner, so she got a baby sitter, and went to dinner. About half way through, she got a phone call "Oh must be the baby sitter asking something" she thought. But when she opened up the phone she heard
"Have you checked the kids?" So freaked out she practically yelled
"We need to go, NOW" and she ran outside and sped home. The babysitter, who thought she was crazy, said
"The kids are fine" and when she ran upstairs they were. She was traumatized so she got in the shower, to kinda cool off, then headed to bed. Her husband was snoring,she thought "Ugh great, so I'm not gonna get ANY sleep tonight and hes snoring his head off" so she shook him up. And he replied
"Have you checked the kids...?"

I dunno if its true but theres a movie about it that my BFF was watching when she was in college and she was still freaked out
Heres one i found (not sure if someone already posted this):

A little girl opened the door to her parents’ bedroom in the middle of the night.
“Daddy, I had a bad dream”, she said.
Her father blinked his eyes and sat up in bed, leaning on his elbows. The digital alarm clock glowed red in the darkness. It was 3:23 AM.
“Do you want to climb into bed and tell me about it?” he asked.
“No, Daddy.” came the reply.
The oddness of the situation made him wake up more fully. He could barely make out his daughter’s pale form, outlined in the light from the doorway.
“Why not, sweetie?” he asked.
The little girl began to cry. “Because in my dream, when I told you about the dream, the thing wearing Mommy’s skin sat up.” she whined.
For a moment, he felt paralyzed, unable to take his eyes off his daughter. Then he felt the covers behind him beginning to shift…
I'm home schooled, too! gosh, there are a lot of us. go home schoolers!

im home shcooled!
Not really a story but in my house I have what I call a hungry ghost. I hear noises come from my kitchen and the fridge will be open. Then just about every night in the winter and spring all the lights will be on in my room when I go to bed. Hubby thought it was our kids, so he did and experiment. He made sure all the lights were off and then locked the door. Sure enough we go to bed and the lights are on, door is still locked. Our closet door opens by itself too.
Here's a great scary story:
A little girl opened the door to her parents’ bedroom in the middle of the night.
“Daddy, I had a bad dream”, she said.
Her father blinked his eyes and sat up in bed, leaning on his elbows. The digital alarm clock glowed red in the darkness. It was 3:23 AM.
“Do you want to climb into bed and tell me about it?” he asked.
“No, Daddy.” came the reply.
The oddness of the situation made him wake up more fully. He could barely make out his daughter’s pale form, outlined in the light from the doorway.
“Why not, sweetie?” he asked.
The little girl began to cry. “Because in my dream, when I told you about the dream, the thing wearing Mommy’s skin sat up.” she whined.
For a moment, he felt paralyzed, unable to take his eyes off his daughter. Then he felt the covers behind him beginning to shift…
Alight.. Listen up! Im brining this thread bck! Bring on the scary stories!!!!

Here one i made up..

My family had just recently bought a house. Well.. To call it a house isnt right. Its more of a manor on the outside of town. Its very old and run down with chipping paint and broken shutters. We were on our why to the house now the car was silent and no one was talking. I looked back at my book. Ghost stories for the brave it was called. I started to read again but we had already reached the house. "Finally!" My brother shouted as he climbed out of the car. I followed more slowly. I didnt like the house much. It scared me. But i walked towards it anyway. Once we were inside i saw that the house was in very good condition. The furniture was old fashioned and covered by a thin layer of dust that made me sneeze the only thing wrong was that the house looked disheveled as though whoever lived there last had left in a hurry. Puzzled i walked into the next room. The kitchen dining room. The kitchen looked as though some on had been cooking pots and pans were out. The dining table was worse. It had beautiful china plates and silver silverware. The plates had half eaten moldy toast and eggs on them again covered by dust. Still confused i went upstairs to the room that would be my brothers rom and opened the door. I jumped. Inside were weird and creepy looking dolls stuffed rabbits and other old fashioned toys that had been thrown around the room like a miniture tornado tore through. I closed the door and walked over to the rooms that would be my parents room. As i opened the door i saw a beautiful room. It was large and had a canopy bed in the middle by the back wall was a beautiful wooden dresser and a mirror above it but like the other rooms something was wrong. The dresser draws hung out with its contwnts hanging over the sides and the beds sheets were messed up and tangled. Still confused i made my way to my room and opened the door. My room was almost exactly like my parents room but smaller and it had no dust. I looked around the room and saw the boxes in the corner. Happiley i went to unpack.

One Month Later

I was lounging on my bed when the first thinghappened. I was reading a book when i heard my mom called for me i looked up and shrieked. At the end of my bed was a man. He was pale and scared looking his clothes were ripped and his hair was disheveled i heard my parents come running up the stair but by they time thy came to my room the man had gone. The next day i was in the room the was suppose to be my brothers but he had gotten creeped out by it and took a room downstairs. I was in there cleaning up when the second thing happened. Since the room had appeared to be a childs playroom i was picking up a doll and when i looked up to little girls both dressed in old fashioned dresses were staring at me with the same look the starnge man had stared at me with yesturday. This time instead of screaming i tried to talk to them. "Hello." Isaid both girls stared at me then in unison said...

To be continued!

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