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Bamadude, don't feel bad if you get sidetracked. I bought plans to make this coop for the ducks:

And I ended up with this:

This is a true story.
This is the story of my life. Can't stop laughing.
Thank you! :)

Funnily enough the parrots are not the worry as they do not normally stay long .. it is all the Doves that steal food! They are carriers for worms, lice and mites and probably other things I do not think I want to know about

Unfortunately, there is no keeping them away. I am very vigilant with worming and lice & mite prevention and so far, doing OK. I have lost a couple of chickens over the years but not to anything that I could blame on the wild birds.

I used to feed these guys every afternoon. They would just come in, have some seed and then leave again .....

.... but sadly, I had to stop because 20-30 of these guys moved in and did not leave!

Now I have stopped feeding the parrots the Doves have dropped in numbers but I still spend afternoon feed time chasing them off. The girls have a covered run so it is only normally a problem during supervised free range.

Tee hee, that sewing thimble of knowledge you have of genetics is way more than I have! :)

To be honest, Cilla (probably should have called her 'hatch-mother') went broody and I purchased her some fertile eggs on-line. It was a 'surprise' mix ... the lady I bought them from just wanders through the pens and picks out a few eggs from each, cartons them up and posts them. She probably has no idea who the father is either

I do love my Blondie though, she is a beautiful little girl. None of my girls would probably win any awards and I have no idea about their breeding but I love um! :)
Hey Teila, on youtube there is a guy who's Aussie. He makes a feeder in a 5 gallon bucket using a pvc street elbow. It's easy to make and keeps the birds out of the feed bin. Just your chickens. He's Rob Bob
I know honey doesn't go bad but I've never had luck getting it uncrystalized once it goes south.

I'll be giving some of it away (mostly to the people who have helped me in my farm venture). The first jar went to BF's mom who not only helped build the chicken coop but comes over on short notice when I can't get home in time to put the chickens to bed safely. She did an emergency visit last Friday.

I'd really like to try my hand at mead but the recipe I have starts with 32 lbs of honey and I don't have that much, but I probably had close to 20.

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