The Old Folks Home

I haven't been on in a few days, and had lots to catch up on.

Vehve, when she was mentioning Cheryl posting the pictures, I wasn't sure if she meant me, or not, but the Harry Potter themed costumes are extremely nice, and definitely worth posting.

Chicka, sorry about your heart problems, and am praying for you. Keep us posted.
Nice Harry Potter costumes.
Awesome costumes tnspursfan! Maddie looks adorable! She is growing up so fast.

Speaking of growing fast, my granddaughter is just over seven months and just started saying Dada. DD sent me a video. If my technically challenged mind can figure out how to get the video from my phone to my computer, I will post it. Livy is also standing up on her own but not walking yet. DD is also pregnant again but I am not allowed to say anything about it on FB because they are going to announce the second child at Thanksgiving with his family. They are coming out to Utah for Christmas and I am THRILLED to see Livy again. Of course I am happy to see DD and SIL but I needs me some Livy snuggles! DH and I are going down to AZ to see our moms for Thanksgiving. His mom has been having some medical issues and my mom has major neck surgery in December so we figured we would go down and see both of them while they are both relatively healthy. Both of DH's sons and their wives will be there too so it will be like a small Wilson family reunion. I know DH is super worried about his mom so I suggested the trip. He is so excited to go see them all. I am so glad I suggested it
Scg I have to take Ranexa extended-release tablets 1000mg twice a day till my procedure. The first one this morning.
I am a little concerned they may be to strong for me. It seems everything is to strong. I usually only take a half of everything.
But they said to try it and to call if I have any problems with it.

If you want to PM me your info (like the other drugs you're taking, if any, including all over the counters, herbals, vitamins, etc) and weight, I'll be happy to look into it. 1000 mg twice daily is the maximum approved FDA dosage, so it is appropriate. The usual starting dose is 500 mg twice daily, but with the disease severity you mentioned it's not irrational to start higher. However, that drug can have some drug interactions which would warrant a lower dose, and another looksee by someone isn't inappropriate, just to be sure.

I would take the full dose. If they said too, it is an indication that you need that dosage for it to be therapeutic...I have to tell my DW that sometimes--some medicines do not do anything unless you get the correct dosage.

Ron has an excellent point here. Paracelsus said "the dose makes the poison" - something too much is bad, also something not enough can be equally as bad.

Nice Harry Potter costumes!

Diva, my accent is a bit if a mess. It's basically your generic American accent, with a spot of British pronunciation and expressions thrown in, and a bit of overly clearly pronounced letters thrown in here and there. Also, I tend to mimic the accent of the person I'm speaking with to a varying degree. With Brits and Yanks it's not so bad, but I really had to hold my tongue when I worked with a dominantly Indian team, I had a tendency to drift into this Simpson's Apu routine, which can end up sounding horribly racist. If I were to spend a prolonged period of time in an English speaking country, it would take me a couple of weeks to sound pretty alike to the general population, but my use of all kinds of expressions from different parts of the English speaking world would give me away as an imposter.

I too, love the outfits and Hagrid is spot on.

Vehve, you'd probably be offended by my Finnish accent.
I like saving the crust for last though, that's the best part.

The Finnish accent usually makes me cringe. I've spoken English since I was 8 so I've developed a pretty decent ear for it, but most Finns do have quite a horrible accent. Also, due to my native tongue being Swedish, I have an easier time with Germanic languages. If you want to hear a Finnish accent, I suggest either looking into rally/F1 drivers, or perhaps some of our current politicians, like Timo Soini (Minister of Foreign Affairs) or Juha Sipilä (PM). If you wan't an example of a Finnish Swede speaking English, Alexander Stubb (Minister of Finance, has also held those two other posts previously) is pretty much spot on.

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