The ONE MILLIONTH question about sexing a silkie


In the Brooder
Dec 27, 2020
Monroe, NC transplant from Boston
Sorry everyone, but I HAVE to ask😊

I read that their are people who are so experienced that they can tell the sex of a silkie by looking at them. I am a newbie but have been doing my research in order to be prepared for my first chicken, a silkie, who will be our little princess, indoor chicken pet. My biggest fear is ending up with a rooster. I don't live somewhere that a roosters crow would be welcomed, and I fall in love with animals immediately. So how do I get a chick to raise from a baby without getting my heart broken? If I had a friend with a farm I would be able to hand a rooster over to them knowing I'd have a good long life, but I know of no such person.
Is there a DNA test for chicks?
Yes there are DNA tests, and quite inexpensive.
How ever, chickens are flock animals, they need other chickens, so why not get two or three, they're small!
I was thinking of 2 girls so when I have to put them in a crate at night they can cuddle....that is if I can leave them alone for that long,lol.
So if I ask the breeder to do the DNA test will they if I pay for it? It's just that all the breeders I have found so far are 2 or 3 hours away.
I was thinking of 2 girls so when I have to put them in a crate at night they can cuddle....that is if I can leave them alone for that long,lol.
So if I ask the breeder to do the DNA test will they if I pay for it? It's just that all the breeders I have found so far are 2 or 3 hours away.
I found this, but if you search BYC, there's someone who just had her chicks analyzed and it wasn't very expensive at all.

I doubt many breeders will do it, I think you'll have to pay for it yourself.
I found this, but if you search BYC, there's someone who just had her chicks analyzed and it wasn't very expensive at all.

I doubt many breeders will do it, I think you'll have to pay for it yourself.
I think they meant they'd pay but asking the breeder to do it include it ends up being a roo they can't take with them
I don't know about that either, I think the best bet would be finding started pullets.
Correct! I am not worried about the cost of a DNA analysis, just what's best for the bird. If a chick gets a DNA test by the breeder I will drive the 3 hours to pick up a hen or two and the risk of a surprise rooster is eliminated and therefore fi ding a safe place for him to go. I guess it comes down to speaking directly to a few breeders. But the fact there IS a DNA option is very good news. The more I learn about silkies the more excited I get about having them with me, but I want to wait until spring to give her or her and her sister sure shine and not this cold rain to enjoy running and a pecking and scratching in the grass for some protien 😊.

Do you all know if the lavender silkies actually are lavender or is it the combination of colors that give off a lavender hue?
There is a lavender gene in chickens (and also a blue, which is a separate but somewhat similar looking colour), I assume someone has bred it into silkies though I haven't ever seen one. Hope you find a breeder who will DNA the chicks for you. I also second getting 2 or 3 as birds of a feather like to flock together.

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