The Outcasted RP

"Zaid!" Midnight cried. Her wolf cried out. Midnight put her hand in the wolf's paw. The rock began to glow, Midnight and her wolf's eyes glowing, the rock shattered.
"I-How..." Midnight stuttered. "Zaid! Are you okay?" She rushed to his side.

"Yeah. yeah, i'm fine. We need to get out of here! The bridge will fall any minute!" There was a short pause, "How did you do that?"

"I-I... I'm not sure!"
"Zaid!" Midnight cried. Her wolf cried out. Midnight put her hand in the wolf's paw. The rock began to glow, Midnight and her wolf's eyes glowing, the rock shattered.
"I-How..." Midnight stuttered. "Zaid! Are you okay?" She rushed to his side.

((I thought the rules said no special powers...))

Midnight is an exception. She only uses them for emergencies.
"Oh what in the-" Mao gasped as the bridge fell on her ankle, tripping her. Instinctively, she reached for Joachim and cushioned him against the fall. "Take Joachim! I'll be fine!" She shrieked.

"Hiah!" Midnight began to glow, as the bridge shattered and freed her. "No Outcasted member is left behind!"

"Thanks." After picking a piece of wood out of her skin, Mao stood up and wiped Joachim off. "But now where do we go...? Oh, I think there's a cave up north!"
"Yeah. yeah, i'm fine. We need to get out of here! The bridge will fall any minute!" There was a short pause, "How did you do that?"

"I-I... I'm not sure!"

Well come one!" He grabbed her hand and they ran. When they reached a hidden spot Zaid sat on a rock and rubbed his leg vigourusly. A thin line of blood trickled down.
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((I thought the rules said no special powers...))

Midnight is an exception. She only uses them for emergencies.

((...I see.))
"I-I... I'm not sure!"

Well come one!" He grabbed her hand and they ran. When they reached a hidden spot Zaid sat on a rock and rubbed his leg vigourusly,.

Midnight's wolf came over, placed a paw on his leg and her eyes glowed blue, healing Zaid's leg.
"Is everyone here?" Midnight called, blood running from her temple.
Well come one!" He grabbed her hand and they ran. When they reached a hidden spot Zaid sat on a rock and rubbed his leg vigourusly,.

Midnight's wolf came over, placed a paw on his leg and her eyes glowed blue, healing Zaid's leg.
"Is everyone here?" Midnight called, blood running from her temple.

Zaid's mouth fell open and he, for the first time ever was speechless...
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Midnight's wolf came over, placed a paw on his leg and her eyes glowed blue, healing Zaid's leg.
"Is everyone here?" Midnight called, blood running from her temple.

Zaid's mouth fell open and he, for the first time ever was speechless...

"Good." Midnight sat down.
"Talium!" (Come!) She looked at her wolf. The wolf, Queen, came over to her and placed her paw into Midnight's hand. Midnight began to glow dark blue. Suddenly, all her blood and everyone else's blood disappeared.
"Ip pit tha, Queen." (Thank you, Queen.)
Midnight whipped her head around to glare at Zaid. "What?" She said with an annoyed tone.

(I have made the language of the wolves, so the translations are in perenthecies)

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