The Outcasted RP

Name- Sebring
Age- 14
Gender- Female
Attitude- Fierce and niceish (at times)
Scars or Markings- has a flower on her right side of her eye

Rank- Warrior
Name- Jason
Age- 15
Gender- Male
Attitude- quiet, cold to everyone but Isabella, protective of Isabella, not very trusting
Scars or Markings- cuts around his legs and arms
Appearance- handsome, dirty blonde hair, green eyes, tall,
Rank (see below for ranks)- Brave one

Name- Isabella
Age- 14
Gender- Female
Attitude- kind ,sweet ,gentle ,fragile (basicly weak)
Scars or Markings- none
Appearance- a bit short, long wavy/curly beautiful light blonde hair kind blue eyes and chapped pink lips
Rank (see below for ranks)-
Can there be an Apprentice healer? Otherwise mentor?
Name- Heather
Age- 15
Gender- F
Attitude- stubborn, nice tho
Scars or Markings- a scar on her right shoulder, some small scars on her back, and scars on her arm from cutting.

Rank (see below for ranks)- Hunter

Name- Mika
Age- 15
Gender- M
Attitude- Protective, stubborn, smart
Scars or Markings- a large gash on his back

Rank (see below for ranks)- Brave one

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