The P.N.W Flock.

My sweet, noodle loving SS hen, Riju! She has gained so much more white! I love it!
News flash from the coop: Yuzu (Bootsie's daughter who is under a year) has gone broody. And man, is she stubborn! :barnie I would give her something to sit on, but the flock population is too high as it is, and I wouldn't want her to risk abandoning it, or losing from the cold.
However, Bootsie was hatched out while we had snow (If I remember correctly), and he did fine.
Well…. We might have bended the rules just a little…. Yuzu is currently sitting on four eggs, three standard randomized brown eggs, and one Bantam Cochin egg.
News flash from the coop: Yuzu (Bootsie's daughter who is under a year) has gone broody. And man, is she stubborn! :barnie I would give her something to sit on, but the flock population is too high as it is, and I wouldn't want her to risk abandoning it, or losing from the cold.
However, Bootsie was hatched out while we had snow (If I remember correctly), and he did fine.

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